of May 10, 2024 No. 231
About procedure for financing of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic
For the purpose of carrying out single state policy on financing of the state educational organizations initial, average and higher education, according to Articles 50, 54 Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About education", articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides ensuring efficiency of use of the state financial resources:
1. Approve:
1) standard standard rates of budget financing of the state educational organizations of primary professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic counting on one student (further - standard standard rates) according to appendix 1;
2) standard standard rates of budget financing of the state educational organizations of secondary professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic counting on one student (further - standard standard rates) according to appendix 2;
3) basic level of the state educational grant and correction coefficients to basic level of the state educational grant for groups of the directions of preparation (specialties) according to appendix 3;
4) the Procedure for financing of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in the conditions of normative financing according to appendix 4;
5) the Procedure for financing of the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of the state educational grant according to appendix 5.
2. Determine that:
1) expenses of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - MON) are determined by the number of students according to the standard standard rates approved by Item 1 of this resolution affirm and distributed in all respects expenses of economic classification;
2) expenses of professional schools of Service of execution of the punishments under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Kyrgyz-Turkish women's technical lyceum "Anadolu" which are not transferred to normative financing are determined proceeding from the operating procedures by calculation of expenses in all respects of costs;
3) expenses of the organizations of higher education are determined by the number of grantees on the basis of basic level of the state educational grant approved by Item 1 of this resolution affirm and distributed in all respects expenses of economic classification;
4) the Procedure for financing of the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of the state educational grant does not extend to higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic;
5) to the educational organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic having the special status, amounts of grant means determined by the number of grantees "Centralized actions" of the ministries and departments are provided and financed according to the single expenditure item in expense budget. The provided means to higher education institutions with special status according to the approved expense budget quarterly are transferred into bank accounts in commercial banks with the state share. Special (off-budget) means of higher education institutions with special status are enlisted on bank accounts in commercial banks and considered out of system of treasury;
6) forming of the number of staff of employees of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of MON in the conditions of normative financing is made within the approved budget calculated according to the number of students and standard standard rates approved by Item 1 of this resolution;
7) heads of the educational organizations of higher education in financing terms on the basis of the sizes of the state educational grant have the right to create and approve independently the staff list within expense budget on budgetary and special funds in coordination with the board of trustees;
8) expenses on compensation of employees of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of MON and the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic in case of wages increase to workers of education system in the current year, before modification of the standard standard rates and basic level of the state educational grant approved by Item 1 of this resolution are financed on the basis of tariff lists and the staff list of the educational organizations.
3. Determine that expenses on capital repairs of buildings and constructions, acquisition of the expensive equipment to the educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of MON and the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic are financed by the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic separately over the current budget as target actions for expenditure items 3111 "Buildings and constructions" and 3112 "Machines and the equipment".
4. Grant the right to heads of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of MON transferred to normative financing:
1) independently to create the staff list proceeding from business necessity within the general fund of compensation determined proceeding from the number of the students and standard standard rates approved by Item 1 of this resolution;
2) to allocate funds for covering of the expenses connected with acquisition of training materials, the means saved or released as a result of optimization of organizational structure and states.
5. To the ministries and departments of the Kyrgyz Republic:
1) to establish quota for annual acceptance studying at basis of the state educational grant and standard standard rates in:
- the organizations of higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic - 6000 people;
- the organizations of secondary professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic - 4131 persons;
- the organizations of primary professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic - 16500 people;
2) to sign contracts with heads of higher education institutions with special status about cross liabilities on training of specialists at the expense of the state educational grants;
3) to provide measures for compensation in the republican budget of the means spent for training of the deducted students accepted on the basis of the state educational grant;
4) to take the adequate measures following from this resolution.
6. MON till May 1, 2024 to develop and approve methodical management on forming and execution of expenses of the state educational organizations of primary and secondary professional education of MON on the basis of the number of the students and standard standard rates approved by Item 1 of this resolution.
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