of July 5, 2024 No. 110-VIII ZRK
About counteraction to human trafficking
This Law determines organization-legal bases of counteraction to human trafficking.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) human trafficking - purchase and sale or making of other transactions concerning person, including the minor, and equally in its operation or recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment, obtaining, and also making of other acts for the purpose of operation, including by use of violence or threat of its application or different ways of coercion, deception or confidence abuse, use of official position, material or other dependence;
2) single system of counteraction to human trafficking - set of activities of subjects of counteraction to human trafficking for the prevention, identification, suppression, disclosure and investigation of the crimes connected with human trafficking and also to assistance to the victims of human trafficking, providing and protection of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) authorized state bodies in the field of counteraction to human trafficking (further - authorized state bodies) - law-enforcement bodies and the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the field of social protection of the population;
4) subjects of counteraction to human trafficking - authorized state bodies, other state bodies, the organizations of health care and education, local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value and the capital, the non-profit organizations, physical persons or legal entities performing tourist activities, and also rendering the labor mediation, the international organizations accredited in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, performing counteraction to human trafficking within the competence;
5) the subjects providing special social services to the victims of human trafficking - the legal entities occupied in the state and non-state sectors on provision of special social services and financed from budgetary funds;
6) human trafficking recovery of victims - actions for recovery of psychological and (or) physical state of the victim to the condition preceding harming;
7) the victim of human trafficking - person identified as the victim of human trafficking irrespective of availability of the fact of pre-judicial investigation in this occasion, and person recognized according to the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the victim from the crimes connected with human trafficking is equal;
8) identification of the victim of human trafficking - the procedure of recognition of person by the victim of human trafficking according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
9) the potential victim of human trafficking - person which is in the vulnerable provision owing to material, psychological or other dependence, infancy or advanced age, orphanhood or lack of parent care, disability, mental and other disease, abuse of psychoactive agents, unemployment, homelessness (person of no fixed abode), not settled legal status creating conditions to making concerning it of the crimes connected with human trafficking and also the expected (possible) victim of human trafficking before passing of identification as the victim of human trafficking.
Operation of this Law extends to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the kandas and also which are constantly living or which are temporarily staying in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the foreigners and stateless persons revealed and identified as the victims of human trafficking in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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