of June 21, 2024 No. PP-231
About additional measures for enhancement of system of continuous professional development of employees of the organizations of preschool and school education
For the purpose of ensuring system effectiveness of continuous professional development of the leading and pedagogical personnel, and also specialists of the organizations of preschool and school education, regular increase in their professional knowledge, skills and skill, widespread introduction in general average educational institutions of the best practices accumulated at Presidential schools:
1. Approve offers of the Ministry of preschool and school education:
about creation of National institute of pedagogical skill of A. Avloni (further - Institute) based on the National research institute of professional development and training of teachers in new techniques of A. Avloni, and also the centers of pedagogical skill of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas (further - the Regional centers) based on the national centers for training of teachers in new techniques of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas;
about the termination of activities of the National center for training of teachers in new techniques of the city of Tashkent and the Republican resource center of pedagogical education under the Tashkent state pedagogical university of name Bottoms by their accession to Institute;
about creation in structure of Institute within its general number of staff of the Center of the international researches without the status of the legal entity for ensuring worthy participation of the educational organizations in system of preschool and school education in the international researches.
2. Approve:
The main objectives of National institute of pedagogical skill of A. Avloni according to appendix No. 1 *;
The program of measures for enhancement of system of continuous professional development of the leading and pedagogical personnel, and also specialists of the organizations of preschool and school education according to appendix No. 2 *;
Target parameters on continuous professional development of the leading and pedagogical personnel, and also specialists of the organizations of preschool and school education till 2030 according to appendix No. 3*.
3. Determine that since 2024/2025 academic years the complete system of retraining and advanced training of the leading and pedagogical personnel, and also specialists takes root (further - workers) the organizations of preschool and school education. At the same time:
The institute of retraining and advanced training of directors and specialists of the preschool educational organizations (further - Institute of preschool education) is transferred to subordination of the Ministry of preschool and school education;
activities of the Regional centers for retraining and advanced training of employees of the preschool educational organizations are coordinated by Institute of preschool education;
for the purpose of expansion of the operating capacities on retraining and advanced training of employees of the preschool and school educational organizations of the building and construction of 11 teacher training colleges given in appendix No. 4 * with the corresponding property are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Regional centers;
activities of the teacher training colleges transferred to the jurisdiction of the Regional centers step by step stop according to dates of termination of study of the pupils studying in them, and their buildings and constructions are used for the purpose of retraining and advanced training of employees of the organizations of preschool and school education;
the electronic program "Virtual Professional Development" for continuous professional development of pedagogical personnel and specialists of the preschool educational organizations takes root.
4. Implement since January 1, 2025 procedure for professional development of employees of the organizations of preschool and school education according to which:
a) the vertical system (the ministry - organization of advanced training - the educational organization) continuous professional development on the basis of the differentiated educational programs proceeding from professional requirements and qualification employee category of the organizations of preschool and school education is entered;
b) for employees of the organizations of preschool and school education the professional development course conducted time in five years with separation from work take root. At the same time:
professional development course for the managerial personnel will be organized on the basis of the procedure implemented for managerial training courses, and for pedagogical personnel and specialists - according to the educational programs oriented to forming at them modern competences and consisting of variable (selective) and invariant (obligatory) modules;
the interrelation between processes of assessment of knowledge of the listeners studying at professional development course and systems of assignment of qualification category is provided to pedagogical personnel and their professional certification;
in intervals between professional development course the forms of continuous professional development of workers based on their mutual experience exchange and independent development will be organized;
c) the new evaluation procedure of results of system of advanced training within which special attention is paid to increase in efficiency of activities of employees of the organizations of preschool and school education is entered;
d) the best practices accumulated at Presidential schools on training of pupils, their professional orientation, forming of skills of critical thinking, search and information analysis, use of the gained knowledge at practice widely take root in general average educational institutions by means of system of continuous professional development.
5. Determine that since January 1, 2025 for the purpose of providing continuity of professional development of pedagogical personnel and specialists in all general average educational institutions such forms of advanced training as "Hour of professional development", and in basic general average educational institutions, also "Day of professional development" step by step take root. At the same time:
for organization of events "Hour of professional development" and "Day of professional development" in each area (city) from among highly skilled teachers is created the list of teachers mentors by disciplines;
within the action "Hour of professional development" subject and methodical associations and teachers mentors analyze lessons of teachers, give them methodical help, provide recommendations about professional development;
within the action "Day of professional development" basic general average educational institutions in each subject are selected and in these organizations for teachers studies are given in professional development;
at Institute and the Regional centers for teachers mentors separate training courses will be organized;
in addition monthly allowance in the amount of 20 percent of official pay rate is paid to the subject teachers performing activities as teachers mentors at the expense of management fund of general average educational institution for principle place of employment.
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