of March 14, 2002 No. 30-FZ
About bodies of judicial community in the Russian Federation
Accepted by the State Duma on February 15, 2002
Approved by the Federation Council on February 27, 2002
The judicial community in the Russian Federation (further - judicial community) is formed by judges of federal courts of all types and levels, judges of vessels of the subjects of the Russian Federation constituting judicial system of the Russian Federation.
1. Judges of federal courts and vessels of subjects of the Russian Federation are members of judicial community from the moment of bringing of the oath of the judge by them and until entry into force of the decision on the termination of powers of the judge, except for case of the termination of powers in connection with honourable departure or honourable removal of the judge in resignation.
2. The judge staying in resignation keeps the belonging to judicial community before the termination of resignation and can be involved from its consent in bodies of judicial community. The judge staying in resignation has no right to elect members of qualification boards of judges and to be elected to structure of qualification boards of judges from judicial community.
1. Bodies of judicial community are created and are effective according to the Federal constitutional Laws and the Federal Laws for expression of interests of judges as carriers of judicial authority.
2. Bodies of judicial community in the Russian Federation are:
All-Russian congress of judges;
conferences of judges of subjects of the Russian Federation;
Judicial council of the Russian Federation;
judicial councils of subjects of the Russian Federation;
general meetings of judges of courts;
The highest qualification board of judges of the Russian Federation;
qualification boards of judges of subjects of the Russian Federation;
The highest examination committee on acceptance of qualification examination on judgeship;
examination committees of subjects of the Russian Federation on acceptance of qualification examination on judgeship.
3. Activities of bodies of judicial community are regulated by acts (regulations, provisions) accepted by these bodies.
4. In the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation general meeting of judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Judicial council of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, power, procedure for forming and which activities are regulated by the provision accepted by general meeting of judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are created.
The main objectives of bodies of judicial community are:
1) assistance in enhancement of judicial system and legal proceedings;
2) protection of the rights and legitimate interests of judges;
3) participation in organizational, personnel and resource support of judicial activities;
4) approval of the authority of judicial authority, ensuring accomplishment by judges of requirements imposed by the code of judicial ethics.
1. Bodies of judicial community perform the activities jointly, publicly, in case of strict respect for the principles of independence of judges and non-interference to judicial activities.
2. Judicial councils, qualification boards of judges, the Highest examination committee on acceptance of qualification examination on judgeship and examination committees of subjects of the Russian Federation in acceptance of qualification examination on judgeship (further also - examination committees) are created on elective principles, removability and accountability to the bodies which elected them. Qualification boards of judges and examination committees are not accountable to the bodies which elected them for the made decisions.
1. The All-Russian congress of judges (further also - congress) is the supreme body of judicial community.
The congress is competent to make decisions on all questions relating to activities of judicial community except for of the questions relating to powers of qualification boards of judges and examination committees and also is competent to approve the code of judicial ethics and acts regulating activities of judicial community. Decisions of congress are made by a simple majority vote if the congress does not establish other procedure for decision making.
2. Delegates are elected to congress on the following rates of representation:
from judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation - ten judges;
from judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation - twenty judges;
from judges of each court of cassation of the general jurisdiction, cassation military court - on two judges;
from judges of each Appeal Court of the general jurisdiction, Appeal military court - on two judges;
from judges of each Arbitration Court of the district, Intellectual Property Rights Court - on two judges;
from judges of each Arbitration Appeal Court - on two judges;
from judges of each Supreme Court of the republic, regional, regional court, court of the federal city, court of the autonomous region and court of the autonomous area - on one judge, and also in addition on one judge from each fifty judges of each Supreme Court of the republic, regional, regional court, court of the federal city, court of the autonomous region and court of the autonomous area;
from judges of each Arbitration Court of the subject of the Russian Federation - on one judge, and also in addition on one judge from each thirty judges of each Arbitration Court of the subject of the Russian Federation;
from judges of each district (naval) military court - on two judges;
from judges of garrison public courts - on one judge from each subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which garrison military courts are effective;
from judges of district courts - on one judge from each subject of the Russian Federation, and also in addition on one judge from each hundred judges of the district courts operating in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;
from magistrate judges - on one judge from each subject of the Russian Federation;
the paragraph the fourteenth ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08.12.2020 No. 426-FZ
3. Delegates of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, courts of cassation of the general jurisdiction, Appeal Courts of the general jurisdiction, cassation military court, Appeal military court, Arbitration Courts of districts, Intellectual Property Rights Court, Arbitration Appeal Courts, district (naval) public courts are elected to congress on general meetings of judges of these courts, and delegates of judges of other courts - at conferences of judges of subjects of the Russian Federation.
The congress is convened once in four years by Judicial council of the Russian Federation. In case of threat of origin and (or) emergence of separate emergency situations, introduction of high alert or emergency situation in all territory of the Russian Federation or on its part, emergence of other situations excluding possibility of holding the regular congress, convocation of congress can be postponed according to the decision of Judicial council of the Russian Federation for later term. The extraordinary congress shall be convened if the decision on it is made by conferences of judges at least in half of subjects of the Russian Federation.
The congress is considered competent if more than a half of the elected delegates take part in its work.
The chairman of the board of judges of the Russian Federation presides over congress.
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