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of June 24, 2024 No. PP-233

About measures for creation of agroecosystem, steady against climate change, and increase in resistance of producers of agricultural products to the risks connected with climate change

For the purpose of the prevention of deficit of water, salinity and degradation of the soil owing to annual increase in average temperature in the region, adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change, and also mitigation of its negative impact on climate:

1. Take into consideration that:

a) on actions for adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change, and also support and stimulation of producers of products agreements on attraction of grant means are signed:

within the "Expansion of the Agricultural Practices Adapted for Climate Change and also Mitigation of Impact on It the Agrarian Sphere in Uzbekistan" Program together with Green climatic fund UN in the amount of 200 million US dollars;

European Union in the amount of 27 million euros, the Global Environment Facility - in the amount of 10 million US dollars;

The project of the German society of international cooperation (GIZ) "Ecologically sustainable development of the region Priaralya" in the amount of 12 million euros;

in the amount of 25 million US dollars on the projects connected with climate change in agricultural industry together with the Global Environment Facility and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN;

b) on recovery and management of wood landscapes the agreement on attraction of preferential borrowed funds in the amount of 116, of 5 million US dollars within the "Recovery of Steady Forest Landscapes in Uzbekistan" Project with participation of the World Bank is signed;

c) in parameters of the Government budget for 2024 to the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change funds in the amount of 100 billion sum - are allocated for expenses within the national project "Yashil Macon", 40 billion sum - for creation of protective afforestations.

Determine the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the held events for adaptation of the sphere to climate change and mitigation of its negative impact on climate, counteraction to drought and degradation of lands, preserving (recovery) biodiversity of pastures, development and widespread introduction to the sphere of new innovation technologies held within ensuring food security.

2. Approve the National program for adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change and mitigation of negative impact of the sphere on climate (further - the National program) according to appendix No. 1*.

* Appendix No. 1 is given in Uzbek.

3. Determine the priority directions of implementation of the National program:

the effective organization of the measures performed in the regions connected with climate change;

holding actions in the field of agricultural industry in the conditions of climate change within the international grant projects;

effective operation of the natural resources connected with climate change and also enhancement of agrotechnologies of cultivation of crops;

development of measures of adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change;

effective use of pastures and organization of their protection.

4. Approve structure of the Interdepartmental working group on coordination of implementation of the National program according to appendix No. 2 and determine it the main objectives:

development and deployment in practice of evidence-based offers on adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change;

development of the system of the early warning of agricultural producers of threat of emergence of emergency situations (including abnormal change of temperature, mud streams and floods, hail and drought), and also connected with locust and other wreckers;

projects implementation of adaptation of agricultural industry to climate change at the expense of the credits and grants of the international financial institutions and means of the Government budget, and also adjustment of cooperation with the foreign states;

increase in ecological culture of farmers, farmers and workers of agroclusters, and also regular increase in their knowledge and skills of adaptation of agrarian industry to climate change;

preparation of popular scientific and analytical materials for informing the general public on climate change in agricultural industry and its effects, and also taking measures to broad promoting of results of researches in this sphere among producers of agricultural products.

5. To provide to the ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent within implementation of the national project "Yashil Macon":

creation of protective afforestations for the purpose of the prevention of desertification and migration of sand, water and wind erosion of the soil, and also improvement of the ecological circle in the desert, mountain and foothill territories;

the organization of demonstrative seminars for initiators on disclosure of the advantageous parties of covering of regions of fields, pastures and open land cultural crops, bushes, galophytes and desert plants.

6. To the Ministry of Agriculture together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent:

a) take measures for the direction of the grant funds in the amount of 6 million euros raised within the "Budget Support of the EU for Development of the Agrofood Sector of Uzbekistan and Creation of Steady Sources of Means of Livelihood in the Rural Zone" Program on:

stimulation of implementation of modern innovation technologies and the practician in production processes and conversions of agricultural products by owners of garden plots and Dehkan farms, subjects of small and medium business on the basis of conditions of public-private partnership in regions of the republic with different climatic conditions;

financing of research projects according to the problem resolution and elimination of the risks connected with climate change in agricultural industry;

financing of educational and agroconsulting actions within the National program, including stimulation of the foreign specialists and consultants, the domestic experts who took active part and who showed good results in projects implementation;

implementation of monitoring system and efficiency evaluation and effectiveness of mechanisms of support and stimulation of agricultural industry by beneficiaries;

b) provide the direction of the raised funds of the Global Environment Facility in the amount of 10 million US dollars on effective implementation of grant projects, in particular:

4 million US dollars - on adaptation to climate change, expansion of green zones, the prevention of degradation of the soil and pasturable lands, implementation of care of crops using methods of the minimum processing of the earth (min-tillage) and crops without plowing of the earth (no-tillage) on the basis of the international experience, and also implementation of new resource-saving technologies;


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