Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 3, 2024 No. UP-85

About the next measures for further acceleration of market reforms and reduction of the national legal system of the Republic of Uzbekistan in compliance with Agreements of the World Trade Organization

For the purpose of consecutive implementation of the priority tasks provided in Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", including realization of the available potential of national economy, further deepening of its integration into chains of global production and value added, expansion of practical application of the free market principles, and also acceleration of achievement of membership of Uzbekistan in the World Trade Organization:

1. Cancel the following special (exclusive) rights granted by the legislation:

a) since January 1, 2025:

the right of JSC Uzmetkombinat to procurement (purchase) of scrap and waste of ferrous metal in the territory of the republic;

right of JSC Uzvtortsvetmet to procurement and export of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals to the republic territory;

the right of JSC Uztreyd to ship food torment and wheat, and also products of subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship, Dehkan and farms for export without provision of the bank guarantee or the policy of assurance of export contracts of policy and commercial risks to trading houses on a consignment basis;

the right of the single agent of Uzkimyoimpeks LLC in implementation of export of chemical products of the organizations of JSC Uzkimyosanoat, and also import of the equipment, spare parts, components, raw materials and materials for their production needs;

b) since July 1, 2026:

the right of JSC UzGasTrade as the single exporter and the single operator on purchase in centralized procedure by means of import from external sources of natural gas;

right of JSC Uzenergosotish to implementation of centralized export and import of electrical energy.

2. Determine that since January 1, 2025:

the procedure for licensing of activities for procurement (purchase), conversion and realization of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and also wholesale and retail trade of natural gas and the electric power takes root;

the operators of telecommunications having mobile and (or) wire networks of telecommunications, performing activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan as experiment, are granted the right to direct connection to the international Internet for own commercial needs with full compliance with requirements of operational search activities, systems of information and cyber security.

To the ministry of the mining industry and geology, Department of Energy together with the Ministry of Economics and finance and other interested departments till September 1, 2024 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers drafts of the regulatory legal acts providing procedure for procurement (purchase), conversion and realization of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and also wholesale and retail trade by natural gas and the electric power.

To the ministry of digital technologies till October 1, 2024 to submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers procedure for direct connection, as experiment, operators of telecommunications to the international Internet for own commercial needs and step-by-step rendering to other operators services in creation of the international Internet channels, having provided at the same time complete ensuring information and national security.

3. Cancel, since January 1, 2026, the export restrictions of copper of the cathode and copper rod iron acquired at the exchange biddings. At the same time to determine implementation of export of copper of the cathode and copper rod iron with the following provisions:

to purchase price of copper of the cathode and copper rod iron, acquired at the exchange biddings for the purpose of the direction for export, the established discount, and also privilege on payment payment deferral are not applied to business entities;

for the room of copper of the cathode and copper rod iron under customs regime "export" is surely provided the certificate of the Uzbek republican commodity and raw exchange of return of the discount amount applied to their purchase price at the exchange biddings concerning their amount directed to export and also about complete payment of deferred payment.

4. To the ministry of transport and JSC Uzbekiston temir yullari together with the Ministry of Economics and finance till September 1, 2024 to introduce the draft of the resolution providing to the Cabinet of Ministers:

step-by-step cancellation since October 1, 2024 till April 1, 2025 practice of provision of discount in case of cargo transportation on rail transport in the territory of the republic;

step-by-step unification till 2030 of rates for services of export-import transportations in case of railway cargo transportation.

5. Cancel since July 1, 2026 the privileges and preferences provided to domestic manufacturers when purchasing by corporate customers regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About public procurements" including preferences concerning the made domestic goods in the amount of, not exceeding 15 percent DDP (Uzbekistan) of the price of import goods, and also price preferences at the rate to 20 percent concerning the made domestic electrotechnical and household production.

To the Ministry of Economics and finance together with the interested ministries and departments till November 1, 2024 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the relevant law proceeding from this Item.

6. Determine that since January 1, 2025 for the purpose of providing healthy competitive environment when implementing public procurements:

payments under the agreements signed by budget customers including by extrabudgetary funds, are performed after registration (accounting) in divisions of treasurer service in accordance with the established procedure;

when implementing public procurements the personal responsibility for strict observance of acts of the legislation concerning the sphere, and also ensuring openness and transparency of public procurements is conferred on heads of the state bodies and economic associations which are the state customers;

in the absence of the project documentation (the working project, the working documentation, the design estimates) approved in accordance with the established procedure or in case of parallel implementation of preparation of the project documentation and installation and construction works, implementation of expenses and performance of works at the expense of the consolidated budgetary funds and other centralized sources, and also national banks and the companies with participation of the state are prohibited.

7. To the ministry of investments, industry and trade together with the Ministry of Economics and finance and other interested departments till September 1, 2024 to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on regulation of import transactions of ethyl alcohol on the basis of provisions of agreements of the World Trade Organization.

8. For the purpose of reduction of the national legal system in compliance with the Agreement on subsidies and measures of compensation of the World Trade Organization (ASCM) till October 1, 2024:


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