of May 24, 2024 No. PP-193
About additional measures for enhancement of procedures of provision of subsidies, privileges and preferences to subjects of entrepreneurship
the Rating of stability of subjects of entrepreneurship (further - rating) providing identification and additional encouragement of the subjects of entrepreneurship performing activities with observance of requirements of the legislation is implemented;
it is determined that subsidies, privileges and preferences to subjects of entrepreneurship take root depending on their rating level.
2. Establish procedure for implementation of subsidies, tax and customs privileges, and also preferences (further - support measures) to the subjects of entrepreneurship performing activities with formation of legal entity depending on their rating level according to which:
a) measures of support are provided to subjects of entrepreneurship with rating level "B" above in the following sizes in relation to acting:
categories "AAA" - 100 percent of the operating size;
categories "AA" - 90 percent of the operating size;
categories "A" - 80 percent of the operating size;
categories "VVV" - 70 percent of the operating size;
categories "VV" - 60 percent of the operating size;
categories "B" - 50 percent of the operating size;
b) measure of support to subjects of entrepreneurship from the date of which registration did not pass six months, and also No. UP-287 "About Measures for Separation of the Territories of the Republic into Categories and Implementation of the Differentiated System of Support of Entrepreneurship" performing activities in areas, carried according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 30, 2022 to the 4 and 5 categories, are provided in the operating size irrespective of their rating level;
c) if rating of subjects of entrepreneurship:
goes down - provision of measures of support continues within three months;
increases - measures of support are provided in the amount of, corresponding to new rating level, since next month.
Determine that the criteria determined by this Item do not extend to the support measures implemented before adoption of this resolution.
3. Create the Republican commission on optimization and ensuring efficiency of the subsidies, privileges and preferences provided to subjects of entrepreneurship (further - the Republican commission), in structure according to appendix No. 1.
4. The republican commission (D. Kuchkarov) till October 1, 2024 to make the offers providing in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
cardinal review of all operating support measures for impact analysis results on economy and the atmosphere of healthy competition and efficiency evaluation of these measures with carrying out their inventory count;
evaluating effectiveness of procedure for application of measures of support to subjects of entrepreneurship proceeding from category of areas and cities;
implementation of procedure for establishment of specific target indicators for provision of the measures of support which are subject to achievement of entrepreneurship by subjects;
specific determination of the list of spheres, industries and activities on which measures of the state support are provided;
inclusion in acts of the legislation of the regulations which are completely displaying concept, types and forms of privileges and preferences;
implementation of procedure for monitoring and efficiency evaluation of use of measures of support, obligatory return of means in case of their inappropriate use;
regular publication in open sources of data on effectiveness of use of support measures;
cancellation of the measures of support recognized inefficient on analysis results and estimates.
5. Determine that:
The committee on development of the competition and consumer protection annually till July 1 carries out assessment of impact of measures of support on the atmosphere of healthy competition and brings results of assessment in the Ministry of Economics and finance;
the ministries and departments given in the list according to appendix No. 2 (further - the interested ministries and departments), annually till July 1 represent to the Ministry of Economics and finance reports on the support measures provided to subjects of entrepreneurship, and also their efficiency;
The Ministry of Economics and finance jointly with Audit Chamber annually till August 1 enter in the Republican commission information following the results of efficiency evaluation of measures of support;
The republican commission annually till October 1 introduces in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the reference following the results of efficiency evaluation of measures of support and the offer on action continuation, cancellation or enhancement of procedure for provision of measures of support.
6. To the interested ministries and departments:
till July 1, 2024 to implement practice of data exchange with Tax and Customs committees for confirmation of authenticity and reliability of the documents (licenses, certificates and others) which are the basis for provision of tax and customs privileges;
till January 1, 2025 to implement procedure for conducting monitoring of target and effective use of the measures of support provided to subjects of entrepreneurship by means of interdepartmental data exchange of the corresponding information systems.
7. Implement maintaining the separate register on the subsidiya.mf.uz platform including types since January 1, 2025, terms and procedure died supports, provided to subjects of entrepreneurship.
At the same time data on measures of support are placed the interested ministries and departments on the subsidiya.mf.uz platform without fail.
To the interested ministries and departments to submit the list of measures of support and the information about them for maintaining the separate register on the subsidiya.mf.uz platform with carrying out inventory count of measures of support for jurisdiction within three-months term.
8. And finance till December 1, 2024 to provide to the Tax Committee, Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection together with the Ministry of Economics implementation of integration of the electronic platform "Rating of Stability of Entrepreneurs" and information system of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection with the subsidiya.mf.uz platform.
9. To the Ministry of Economics and finance:
a) in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this resolution;
b) till October 1, 2024:
together with the interested ministries and departments to develop and submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers procedure (methodology) for conducting monitoring and efficiency evaluation of provision of subsidies, privileges and preferences to subjects of entrepreneurship;
jointly with Audit Chamber to develop procedure for return of means of subsidies in case of their inappropriate use and unreasonable receipt of entrepreneurship by subjects.
10. Assign to the deputy prime minister D. A. Kuchkarov the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.
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