Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 6, 2024 No. 770

About implementation of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation by Russian Export Center joint-stock company concerning implementation of measures of the state support of export

According to article 46.1 of the Federal law "About Bases of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Regulations on implementation of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation by Russian Export Center joint-stock company concerning implementation of measures of the state support of export;

the list of powers of federal executive bodies which provides budgetary appropriations of the federal budget on provision of subsidies to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and also physical persons - producers of goods, works, services, on carrying out selection of receivers of such subsidies within implementation of measures of the state support of export which are transferred to Russian Export Center joint-stock company.

2. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Russian Export Center joint-stock company on implementation of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation by Russian Export Center joint-stock company on realization of the following measures of the state support of export:

a) the state support of producers of the specialized machinery and equipment for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs incurred in connection with guarantee of the return redemption of products;

b) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of interest rates for the export loans and other instruments of financing similar to the credit for economic essence, and also compensation of part of insurance premium according to insurance contracts of export loans;

c) the state support of the Russian organizations and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with participation in the international exhibition and fair actions;

d) the state support of the Russian organizations for the purpose of compensation for expenses on certification of conformity of the Russian industrial output to requirements of the foreign markets;

e) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with creation and ensuring functioning of system of after-sale service of products in foreign states;

e) the state support of the Russian organizations on compensation of part of the costs for the purpose of creation of new competitive industrial output connected with carrying out research and development works and (or) homologation of the existing industrial output for the foreign markets;

g) the state support of the Russian organizations of the industry for the purpose of compensation of transport costs of industrial output;

h) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with certification of products of agro-industrial complex in the foreign markets;

i) the state support of the Russian organizations for the purpose of cost reduction on transportation of agricultural and food products.

3. Determine that remuneration according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and within the budgetary appropriations provided in the federal budget for the corresponding financial year on accomplishment of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation is paid to Russian Export Center joint-stock company for accomplishment of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. To the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to sign on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation with Russian Export Center joint-stock company agreements on accomplishment of functions of the agent of the Government of the Russian Federation on the measures of the state support of export specified in Item 2 of this resolution (further - agency agreements).

5. To provide to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation conducting obligatory checks of observance by Russian Export Center joint-stock company of conditions of the agency agreement according to the procedure, established in the agency agreement.

6. Transfer to Russian Export Center joint-stock company of power of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on carrying out selections of receivers of the subsidies provided from the federal budget to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and also physical persons - producers of goods, works, services (further respectively - subsidies, selections of receivers of subsidies), according to the list approved by this resolution on the following measures of the state support of export:

a) the state support of producers of the specialized machinery and equipment for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs incurred in connection with guarantee of the return redemption of products;

b) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of interest rates for the export loans and other instruments of financing similar to the credit for economic essence, and also compensation of part of insurance premium according to insurance contracts of export loans;

c) the state support of the Russian organizations and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with participation in the international exhibition and fair actions;

d) the state support of the Russian organizations for the purpose of compensation for expenses on certification of conformity of the Russian industrial output to requirements of the foreign markets;

e) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with creation and ensuring functioning of system of after-sale service of products in foreign states;

e) the state support of the Russian organizations of the industry for the purpose of compensation of transport costs of industrial output.

7. Transfer to Russian Export Center joint-stock company of power of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on carrying out selections of receivers of subsidies according to the list approved by this resolution on the following measures of the state support of export:

a) the state support of the organizations for the purpose of compensation of part of the costs connected with certification of products of agro-industrial complex in the foreign markets;

b) the state support of the Russian organizations for the purpose of cost reduction on transportation of agricultural and food products.


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