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of May 30, 2024 No. 707

About the unified register of frequency assignments

1. Approve enclosed:

Rules of forming and maintaining the unified register of frequency assignments;

Rules of provision of information from the unified register of frequency assignments to federal executive body in the field of the state protection, to federal executive body in the field of defense and to federal executive body in the field of safety of the Russian Federation.

2. This resolution becomes effective since September 1, 2024 and is effective till September 1, 2030.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2024 No. 707

Rules of forming and maintaining the unified register of frequency assignments

1. The unified register of frequency assignments (further - the register) is created and kept by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (further - authorized body) in electronic form in unified information system of authorized body (further - information system of authorized body).

2. Forming of the register is performed by introduction by authorized body of record about assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel (further - record) in the register after decision making about assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel for radio-electronic means of civil assignment based on the petition from the citizen of the Russian Federation or the Russian legal entity about assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel (further - the statement for assignment).

3. Entering of record into the register is performed within bands of the radio frequencies selected with the State Commission on Radio Frequencies.

4. Entry in the register contains data on assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel to one radio-electronic means belonging to the specific user radio-frequency range (in case of multisubject use of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel - to several users radio-frequency range) established in the specific place and consists of public information and other data.

5. Public information is posted on the official site of authorized body on the Internet (further - the official site of authorized body) and includes the following data:

a) number of entry in the register;

b) effective date of entry in the register;

c) completion date of entry in the register;

d) date of suspension (renewal) of action of entry in the register;

e) date of cancellation of entry in the register;

e) number and date of permission to use of radio-frequency range, term of its action;

g) number and date of the order of authorized body on decision making about assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel;

h) the status of entry in the register (is not effective yet, is effective, it is suspended, terminated);

i) information on the user radio-frequency range - the legal entity - form of business, full name of the user radio-frequency range, identification taxpayer number.

6. Other data contain the following information which is not public:

a) the information about the user radio-frequency range - physical person (individual entrepreneur), including surname, name, middle name (in the presence), identification taxpayer number and the primary state registration number of the individual entrepreneur (for the individual entrepreneur), the insurance number of the individual ledger account (for physical person);

b) data on the statement for assignment based on which the decision on assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel, including registration number and its registration date in information system of authorized body is made;

c) number and date of permission to use of radio-frequency range, term of its action;

d) the following data on experimental testimony of possibility of use of the declared radio-electronic means and their electromagnetic compatibility with the radio-electronic means operating and planned for use (further - the conclusion) taking into account which results the decision on assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel was made:

number and date of the conclusion;

sequence number of radio-electronic means from the conclusion corresponding to the radio-electronic means belonging to the specific user radio-frequency range established according to the frequency and territorial plan of radio-electronic means (network);

e) category of communication network;

e) type of the used radio-electronic means;

g) the specific radio frequencies or radio-frequency channels permitted for use by the specified type of radio-electronic means;

h) name of radio service;

i) purposes of use of radio frequency or radio-frequency channel and radio-electronic means;

j) following conditions of use of radio-electronic means:

the address of installation site of radio-electronic means (for stationary radio-electronic means) or the area of use of radio-electronic means (for mobile radio-electronic means);

geographical coordinates (width and longitude to within unit of angular second) addresses of installation site of radio-electronic means (for stationary radio-electronic means) or geographical coordinates (width and longitude) of the area of use of radio-electronic means (in the presence) (for mobile radio-electronic means);

subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel are used;

k) conditions of use of radio frequency or radio-frequency channel;

l) deadline of the beginning of use of radio-electronic means (deadline of registration of radio-electronic means);

m) the permitted technical characteristics of radio-electronic means.

7. The statement from the register is provided taking into account the following requirements:

a) the statement from the register is created and provided separately on each record from the register appropriated to the specific user by radio-frequency range (in case of multisubject use of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel - to several users by radio-frequency range);

b) the statement from the register contains the data specified in Items 5 and 6 of these rules taking into account data on which the consent of the user is provided by radio-frequency range;

c) the statement from the register is created and provided without collection of payment.

8. After entering of record into the register to the user the radio-frequency range based on the statement for which assignment assignment of radio frequency or the radio-frequency channel is performed, provides the statement from the register:

a) in case of filing of application about assignment on paper - within 35 working days from the date of its receipt;

b) in case of filing of application about assignment electronically through the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (further - the single portal) or the official site of authorized body - within 25 working days from the date of its receipt.


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