of May 28, 2024 No. 62
About the inventory, not subject to transfer in the international mailings
According to the subitem 2 of Item 1 of Article 285 of the Customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union the Board of the Eurasian economic commission SOLVED:
1. Approve the enclosed inventory, not subject to transfer in the international mailings.
2. Determine that this Decision is not applied to the goods of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union) transported through the territories of the states which are not members of the Union and (or) the sea between:
territory of the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and other part of customs area of the Union;
territory of the Republic of Armenia and other part of customs area of the Union.
The decision of the Commission of the Customs union of August 17, 2010 No. 338 "About features of transfer of goods in the international mailings";
The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of June 7, 2012 No. 67 "About modification of the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of August 17, 2010 No. 338";
Item of 3 changes made to separate decisions of the Commission of the Customs union and Board of the Eurasian economic commission (appendix No. 3 to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 16, 2012 No. 134 "About regulatory legal acts in the field of non-tariff regulation").
4. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
B. Sagintayev
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of May 28, 2024, No. 62
1. Alcoholic products (1) and beer (goods items 2203 00 - 2206 00, subsubline items of 2208 20 120 0 - 2208 90 780 9th single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the CN FEA EEU)), except for alcoholic products and beer in quantity to 5 liters inclusive sent in one international mailing:
in case of their export from customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union) (in the presence at the legal entities or physical persons registered as individual entrepreneurs according to the legislation of the state members of the Union (further respectively - individual entrepreneurs, state members) which are senders, allowing documents for production and (or) turnover of such products (goods) (if such documents are stipulated by the legislation state member in the territory of which the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur are registered));
as tests and samples for carrying out researches or testing (in the presence at the legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are their senders or receivers, allowing documents for production and (or) turnover (including import and export) such products (goods) (if such documents are stipulated by the legislation state member in the territory of which the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur are registered), contracts with accredited body on certifications (accredited test laboratory (center)) or the letters of such accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) confirming quantity, necessary for these purposes (weight and amount) of such products (goods));
as tests and samples to accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) for implementation of measurements according to international standards, carrying out researches, testing or testings (in the presence of the letter of such accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) confirming quantity, necessary for these purposes (weight and amount) of such products (goods));
to physical person when importing to customs area of the Union or from physical person when exporting from customs area of the Union (2);
in case of return to the senders specified in this Item in case of the return import (export) of the goods which are earlier exported (imported) in the international mailing and not handed to the addressee.
2. Ethyl alcohol (goods item 2207, subsubline items of 2208 90 910 0 and 2208 90 990 0 CN FEA EEU), except for the ethyl alcohol in quantity to 5 liters inclusive sent in one international mailing:
as tests and samples for carrying out researches or testing (in the presence at the legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are his senders or receivers, allowing documents for production and (or) turnover (including import and export) ethyl alcohol (if such documents are stipulated by the legislation state member in the territory of which the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur are registered), contracts with accredited body on certifications (accredited test laboratory (center)) or the letters of such accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) confirming quantity, necessary for these purposes (weight and amount) of ethyl alcohol);
as tests and samples to accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) for implementation of measurements according to international standards, carrying out researches, testing or testings (in the presence of the letter of such accredited body on certification (accredited test laboratory (center)) confirming quantity, necessary for these purposes (weight and amount) of ethyl alcohol);
to physical person when importing to customs area of the Union or from physical person when exporting from customs area of the Union (2);
in case of return to the senders specified in this Item in case of the return import (export) of the ethyl alcohol which is earlier exported (imported) in the international mailing and not handed to the addressee.
3. Tobacco products, smoking mixes, bestabachny smoking products and other nikotinsoderzhashchy products, including liquids for use in systems of delivery of nicotine, and fillers for systems of delivery of nicotine, including nicotine free (goods items of 2402 - 2404 CN FEA EEU), except for:
a) cigarettes to 1 000 pieces, or cigars to 200 pieces, or tobacco to 1 000 grams, or the specified products in set in total weight to 1 000 grams, or other nikotinsoderzhashchy products, including liquids for use in systems of delivery of nicotine, and fillers for systems of delivery of nicotine, including nicotine free which cost does not exceed 500 euros sent in one international mailing:
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