of May 29, 2024 No. 698
About features of implementation of the state control (supervision) and municipal control in the territories of the advancing development and in the territory of the free port of Vladivostok
According to article 24 of the Federal law "About the Territories of the Advancing Development in the Russian Federation", article 15 of the Federal law "About the Free Port of Vladivostok" and article 3 of the Federal law "About the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Determine that in plans of holding planned control (supervising) actions, plans of conducting planned inspections when implementing types of the state control (supervision), municipal control, procedure for the organization and which implementation it is regulated by the Federal Law "About the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "About Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs when Implementing the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control" do not join planned control (supervising) actions and checks concerning residents of the territories of the advancing development and residents of the free port of Vladivostok during the term for which the territories of the advancing development and free port Vladivostok are created.
Concerning residents of the territories of the advancing development and residents of the free port of Vladivostok which objects of control are referred to categories of extremely high and high risk, hazardous production facilities of the II class of danger, hydraulic engineering constructions II of class the preventive visit which is not providing possibility of refusal of its carrying out is conducted.
2. Approve the enclosed Rules of holding the preventive visits which are not providing possibility of refusal of their carrying out, concerning residents of the territories of the advancing development and residents of the free port of Vladivostok.
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2015 No. 1132 "About the joint scheduled inspections which are carried out concerning residents of the territory of the advancing social and economic development by the bodies authorized on implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control" (The Russian Federation Code, 2015, No. 44, the Art. 6127);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2016 No. 729 "About the joint scheduled inspections which are carried out concerning residents of the free port of Vladivostok by the bodies authorized on implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control" (The Russian Federation Code, 2016, No. 32, the Art. 5111).
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2024 No. 698
1. These rules determine procedure for holding the preventive visits which are not providing possibility of refusal of their carrying out (further - preventive visit), concerning residents of the territories of the advancing development and residents of the free port of Vladivostok (further - residents) which objects of control are referred to categories of extremely high and high risk, hazardous production facilities of the II class of danger, hydraulic engineering constructions II of class, within types of the state control (supervision), municipal control, procedure for the organization and which implementation it is regulated by the Federal Law "About the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "About Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs when Implementing the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control".
2. Preventive visits concerning residents are conducted by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control (further - regulatory (supervising) authority) within the competence according to procedure for the organization and implementation of the state control (supervision) and (or) municipal control of the corresponding field of activity based on programs of prevention of the risks of damnification (damage) to the values protected by the law created according to Rules of development and approval of the program of prevention of risks by the regulatory (supervising) authorities of damnification (damage) to the values protected by the law approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2021 No. 990 "About approval of Rules of development and approval of the program of prevention of risks by regulatory (supervising) authorities of damnification (damage) to the values protected by the law".
3. Concerning one resident within one calendar year no more than 3 preventive visits totally by types of the state control (supervision), municipal control can be conducted.
4. Holding preventive visits depending on the appropriated category of risk is performed with the following frequency:
a) in case of reference of objects of control to categories of extremely high risk, hazardous production facilities of the II class of danger, hydraulic engineering constructions II of class - once a year;
b) in case of reference of objects of control to category of high risk - once in 2 years.
5. The resident shall be notified by the regulatory (supervising) authority planning holding preventive visit not later than 5 working days before date of its carrying out on holding preventive visit by the method allowing to confirm the fact of such notification.
6. The term of holding preventive visit concerning residents cannot exceed one working day.
The term of holding preventive visit can be extended for the term necessary for tool inspection, but no more than for one working day.
The term of holding preventive visit can be suspended by the authorized officer of regulatory (supervising) authority based on motivated representation of the inspector if the term of implementation of examinations or testing exceeds the term of holding preventive visit, for the term of implementation of examinations or testing. The term of implementation of examinations or testing is determined by the corresponding legal acts adopted concerning examinations or testing.
7. The preventive visit concerning resident is conducted in the form of preventive conversation in the place of implementation of activities of controlled person or by use of video conferencing.
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