of May 16, 2024 No. 349
About transport service of receivers of social services
Based on part one of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 22, 2000 "About social servicing" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 395-Z
1. Approve Regulations on transport service of receivers of social services it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective since July 1, 2024.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 16, 2024 No. 349
1. This Provision determines procedure and conditions of the organization of transport service of receivers of the social services rendered by public institutions of social servicing in forms of semiportable and stationary social servicing (further, unless otherwise specified, – receivers of social services).
Transport service of receivers of social services will be organized by the local executive and administrative organs which are founders of public institutions of social servicing at the expense of means of the local budgets or other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.
2. For the purposes of this provision terms and their determinations in the values established by the laws of the Republic of Belarus "About social servicing" and of August 14, 2007 No. 278-Z "About road transport and motor transportations", the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 2008 No. 972 "About some questions of motor transportations of passengers are used".
3. Motor transportations of receivers of social services are performed by the vehicles which are in state-owned property and assigned to public institutions of social servicing on the right of operational management (further – the vehicle).
Vehicles shall be equipped for transportation of the citizens having restrictions in movement.
4. Delivery of receivers of social services to the place of rendering social services and back, and also in other organizations within rendering social services by public institutions of social servicing in the decision of local authorities and self-government can be also organized by rendering transport services with use of the road transport adapted for transportations of the citizens having restrictions in movement.
5. The organization of safe transport service of receivers of social services is assigned to public institutions of social servicing.
6. Standard rates of security with vehicles * public institutions of social servicing for transport service of receivers of social services are established according to appendix.
* For the purposes of this provision standard rates of security with vehicles are understood as the settlement size according to which possible categories of vehicles, except for special cars, and their quantity for public institutions of social servicing are established.
7. To public institutions of social servicing for transport service of receivers of social services in coordination with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection are established by regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom:
the sheet of polozhennost of vehicles, except for special cars (further – the sheet of polozhennost), taking into account Item 1 or Item 2 appendices;
limit of vehicles mileage, except for special cars (further – run limit), within 2 thousand kilometers a month on one car.
8. Receivers of the social services rendered in forms on a grant basis have the right to transport service:
stationary social servicing;
semiportable social servicing in case of observance of the conditions established in Item 9 of this provision from number:
disabled people of I and II groups;
the persons which reached generally established retirement age, having the expressed or sharply expressed restrictions of capability to movement and (or) orientation and (or) capability to control the behavior;
handicapped children with the third and fourth extent of loss of health.
9. The organization of motor transportations of receivers of the social services rendered in form of semiportable social servicing includes delivery by the vehicle from the residence to the place of receipt of social services and back in cases:
lack of public conveyances in the regular message common carrier;
lack of road transport of the general use adapted for transportations of the citizens having restrictions in movement;
impossibility of use of passenger common carrier in connection with the expressed or sharply expressed restrictions of capability which are available for them to control the behavior;
discrepancies of the schedule of movement of passenger common carrier with the established schedule of visit of public institution of social servicing.
10. The organization of motor transportations of receivers of the social services rendered in form of stationary social servicing includes delivery in other organizations within rendering social services by public institutions of social servicing.
11. In the public institution of social servicing rendering social services in the form of semiportable social servicing:
lists of receivers of such social services needing the organization of motor transportations are created based on written applications;
the responsible service employee to who the organization of motor transportation of receivers of these social services is assigned is determined;
the list of settlements from which it is necessary to perform motor transportation of receivers of these social services is determined;
the list of the vehicles performing motor transportations of receivers of such social services taking into account the established sheet of polozhennost and limit of run is determined.
The responsible service employee determines:
the number of runs to specific date taking into account the schedule of visit of organizations of social servicing;
routes of motor transportations;
need of escort of receivers of the specified social services by employees of organizations of social servicing in rout to follow of vehicles;
other measures necessary for the organization of transport service.
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