of May 31, 2024 No. 745
About approval of Rules of rendering services of special mail service
According to article 22.1 of the Federal law "About Mail Service" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of rendering services of special mail service.
2. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 1994 No. 1379-68 "About approval of the Regulations on service of special communication of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2024 No. 745
1. These rules determine procedure for rendering services of special mail service, including regulate relations of users of services of special mail service and the organization of special mail service when rendering services of special mail service, establish the rights and obligations of the specified users and the organization of special mail service, and also the requirement to acceptance of departures of special mail service, their transportation and delivery.
2. For the purposes of these rules the basic concepts enshrined in the Federal Law "About Mail Service" are used.
Acceptance, processing, storage, transportation and delivery of the departures of special mail service containing the data and objects relating to the state secret are performed with observance of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret.
3. The service provision agreement of special mail service shall correspond to the obligatory rules for the parties established according to the Agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (DOPOG) of September 30, 1957 (further - the Agreement), the Law of the Russian Federation "About the state secret", the Federal Law "About Precious Metals and Gemstones", the Federal Law "About Currency Control and Currency Exchange Control", the Federal Law "About Weapon" and the Federal Law "About Drugs and Psychotropic Substances".
In the service provision agreement of special mail service object of special mail service in which the user of services of special mail service is serviced is determined.
4. The service fee of special mail service is determined by the rates established on contractual basis.
Rates for rendering services of special mail service shall provide compensation of the organization of special mail service of economically reasonable costs connected with rendering services of special mail service and also compensation of reasonable profit margin (profitability) from the capital used when rendering services of special mail service.
6. For the purpose of determination of optimal conditions of acceptance, processing, storage, transportation and delivery of departures of special mail service taking into account the sizes, weight and other parameters of the material objects sent in departures of special mail service, the organization of special mail service has the right to establish types and categories of departures of special mail service.
7. Placement and the equipment of rooms in which processing and storage of the departures of special mail service containing the data and objects relating to the state secret are performed shall conform to the established requirements for protection of the state secret.
8. Not received by addressees (their authorized representatives) of departure of special mail service return to senders at their expense on the return address if other is not defined by the service provision agreement of special mail service.
9. The organization of special mail service accepts the departures of special mail service prepared according to the service provision agreement of special mail service for shipment.
10. Preparation of departures of special mail service for transportation can be performed by the organization of special mail service according to the service provision agreement of special mail service.
11. Mass-dimensional characteristics of departures of special mail service shall correspond to the characteristics specified in the service provision agreement of special mail service.
Acceptance of the departures of special mail service transported by bulk, embankment, in bulk or in containers, in container or packaging, piece departures of special mail service, and also departures of special mail service in the sealed-up container or packaging is performed according to the specified agreement.
12. Acceptance of departures of special mail service is performed to the address and time specified in the service provision agreement of special mail service on condition of identification of the sender (his authorized representative) and the employee of the organization of special mail service by the methods provided by the specified agreement.
13. The organization of special mail service has the right to refuse acceptance of departure of special mail service in case of breach of agreement about rendering services of special mail service and to collect the penalty provided by the specified agreement from the user of services of special mail service.
14. Loading of departures of special mail service in vehicles and unloading of departures of special mail service are made by the organization of special mail service or the user of services of special mail service in cases and in the terms established by the service provision agreement of special mail service.
15. Loading of departures of special mail service in vehicles is performed on condition of safety of transportations of departures of special mail service and their safety, non-admission of damnification of life and to health of citizens, damages of vehicles, and also the exceeding of admissible mass of the automotive vehicle and (or) permissible load on axis of the automotive vehicle established by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2023 No. 2060 "About approval of the Traffic regulation of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle".
16. The users of services of special mail service performing loading of departure of special mail service in the automotive vehicle pay the organizations of special mail service the losses suffered owing to failure to meet requirement about the admissible mass of the automotive vehicle and (or) permissible load on axis of the automotive vehicle according to the service provision agreement of special mail service.
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