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of March 21, 1991 No. 875-XII

About bases of social security of persons with disability in Ukraine

(as amended on 29-06-2023)

This Law determines bases of social security of persons with disability in Ukraine and guarantees them opportunities for participation in economic, political and social spheres of life of society, equal with all other citizens, creation of the necessary conditions allowing persons with disability effectively to exercise rights and freedoms of man and citizen and to lead full-fledged life according to individual opportunities to capabilities, and interests.

I. General provisions

Article 1.

Persons with disability in Ukraine have all floor note of the social and economic, political, personal rights and freedoms set by the Constitution of Ukraine the laws of Ukraine and international treaties which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Central both local executive bodies and local government bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations (irrespective of pattern of ownership and managing, type of activity and industry accessory), their branches, departments, representations which keep separate account of results of financial and economic activity banks and other financial institutions, and also the representations of foreign legal entities (including the international organizations) using work of hired employees - citizens of Ukraine if another is not provided by international treaties of Ukraine which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (further - the companies, organizations and the organizations), physical persons which use wage labor involve representatives of public associations of persons with disability in preparation of the decisions concerning the rights and interests of persons with disability.

The part three of Article 1 is excluded.

Article 2.

Person with disability is person with permanent disorder of functions of organism that in case of interaction with external environment can lead to restriction of its activity therefore the state shall create conditions for realization of the rights by it on an equal basis with other citizens and provide its social protection.

Discrimination on the basis of disability is forbidden.

The terms "reasonable adaptation" and "universal design" are used in the value given in the Convention on the rights of persons with disability, and the term "discrimination on the basis of disability" is used in the value given in the Convention on the rights of persons with disability and the Law of Ukraine "About the principles of prevention and counteraction of discrimination in Ukraine".

Article 3.

Disability as measure of loss of health is determined by expert inspection in bodies of medico-social examination of the central executive body providing forming of state policy in health sector.

The regulations on medico-social examination affirm the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine taking into account opinions of public associations of persons with disability.

Article 4.

Activities of the state concerning persons with disability are shown in creation of legal, economic, political, social, psychological and other conditions for providing their rights and opportunities on an equal basis with other citizens for participation in public life and consist in:

identification, elimination of the barriers and barriers interfering providing the rights and requirements satisfaction including concerning access to subjects to public and civil appointment, improvement, transport infrastructure, road service (further - objects of physical environment), transport, information and communication, and also taking into account individual opportunities, capabilities and interests - to education, work, culture, physical culture and sport;

to health protection;

to social protection;

ensuring accomplishment of the individual program of rehabilitation of persons with disability;

provision of the adapted housing;

assistance of public work.

Social protection of persons with disability is component of activities of the state concerning providing the rights and opportunities of persons with disability on an equal basis with other citizens and consists in provision of pension, government assistance, compensation and other payments, privileges, social services, implementation of rehabilitation actions, establishment of guardianship (care) or ensuring foreign leaving.

Privileges to persons with disability are provided based on the certificate confirming the corresponding status, the pension certificate or the certificate confirming purpose of the public assistance according to the laws of Ukraine "About the government public assistance to persons with disability since the childhood and to children with disability", "About the government public assistance to persons who do not have pension entitlements and to persons with disability" in which the group and the reason of disability is specified (for full age persons) category "the child with disability" (for children), and also in appropriate cases their main nosological forms of diseases are specified (on sight, hearing and with defeat of the musculoskeletal device). The procedure for registration and issue of the corresponding certificates to foreigners who according to the law have the right to privileges is established by the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the sphere of social protection of the population


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