of December 11, 2023 No. 2116
About representation by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs of the reporting on lot of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them and about their share, the goods (products), and data on agreements used in case of production which provide waste recycling from use of goods and which are concluded with producers of goods, importers of goods, other persons, about termination of such agreements in the accounting period, and also about accounting of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products)
According to article 24.2-2 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Rules of representation by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, data on which are entered in the register of legal entities, the individual entrepreneurs performing waste recycling from use of goods, the reporting on lot of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them and about their share, the goods (products), and data on agreements used in case of production which provide waste recycling from use of goods and which are concluded with producers of goods, importers of goods, other persons, about termination of such agreements in the accounting period;
2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2024 and is effective till January 1, 2030.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2023 No. 2116
1. These rules establish procedure for representation by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, data on whom are entered in the register of legal entities, the individual entrepreneurs performing waste recycling from use of goods (further respectively - utilizers, the register of utilizers), the reporting on lot of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them and about their share, the goods (products), and data on agreements used in case of production which provide waste recycling from use of goods and which are concluded with producers of goods, importers of goods, other persons, about termination of such agreements in the accounting period (further - the reporting).
2. The reporting is created by utilizers concerning waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials based on the waste this accounting from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products) which conducting is performed according to the Rules of accounting of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products) approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2023 No. 2116 "About representation by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs of the reporting on lot of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them and about their share, the goods (products), and data on agreements used in case of production which provide waste recycling from use of goods and which are concluded with producers of goods, importers of goods other persons, about termination of such agreements in the accounting period, and also about accounting of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products)".
Data on agreements which provide waste recycling from use of goods and which are concluded with producers of goods, importers of goods, other persons on termination of such agreements in the accounting period are represented by filling of the Section III of the form provided by appendix.
3. In the presence of several types of the equipment and (or) installations used in case of waste recycling from use of goods in the form provided by appendix to these rules information on each name of the equipment or the processing line including set of the equipment (installations), data on which are entered in the register of utilizers, and also according to each name of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products) on such equipment or such processing line, is specified.
4. The following documents are attached to the reporting:
a) copies of agreements, stipulated in Item 3 articles 24.2-1 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption";
b) copies of service provision agreements on waste recycling from use of the goods signed with the other persons who are not specified in Item 3 of article 24.2-1 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption";
c) the data of accounting of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products) generalized by results of reporting quarter according to the Rules of accounting of waste from use of goods received from them secondary raw materials used in case of production of goods (products) specified in Item 2 of these rules.
5. The reporting is submitted in electronic form in single federal state information system of accounting of waste from use of goods by means of the electronic service "private office" of the specified information system or by means of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" in the form provided by appendix to these rules with application of documents, the these rules specified in item 4.
6. Date of acceptance of the reporting in electronic form date of its departure by means of the electronic service "private office" of single federal state information system of accounting of waste from use of goods or by means of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" is considered.
7. The accounting period for submission of the reporting is quarter of calendar year. In case of the beginning of implementation of activities for waste recycling from use of goods during reporting quarter the accounting period is estimated from the date of inclusion of data on utilizer in the register of utilizers.
8. The reporting is submitted to the 15th following the accounting period.
9. Utilizers provide completeness and reliability of the data specified in the reporting.
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