of May 23, 2024 No. 442
About special procedure for compensation of the damage caused to the Russian Federation and the Central bank of the Russian Federation in connection with unfriendly actions of the United States of America
Due to the unfriendly and contradicting international law actions of the United States of America directed to causing the Russian Federation and to the Central bank of the Russian Federation of damage for the purpose of protection of national interests of the Russian Federation and according to the Federal Laws of December 30, 2006 No. 281-FZ "About special economic measures and enforcement powers", of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ "About safety" and of June 4, 2018 No. 127-FZ "About corrective actions (counteraction) on unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign states" I decide:
1. To the government of the Russian Federation to take the measures directed to establishment of special procedure for compensation of the damage caused to the Russian Federation and (or) the Central bank of the Russian Federation (further also - the Russian owners) in connection with decisions of the state and (or) judicial authorities of the United States of America (further - damage) which is applied in case of unreasonable deprivation of the Russian owners of the rights to property, taking into account the following.
2. The Russian owner has the right to take a legal action according to the rules of cognizance established by the procedural legislation of the Russian Federation with the statement for factual determination of unreasonable deprivation of its rights to property in connection with the decision of the state or judicial authority of the United States of America and on compensation of damage. The statement including contains damage assessment.
3. In case of adoption of the statement, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the Decree, to consideration and in the presence of the data allowing to make the reasonable assumption of lack of good causes for deprivation of the Russian owner of the rights to property in connection with the decision of the state or judicial authority of the United States of America, the court sends to Russian Government Commission on Foreign Investments (further - the Commission) request about submission of the list of property of the United States of America and (or) foreign persons connected with the United States of America (including if such foreign persons are citizens or residents of this state, the place of their registration, the place of preferential conducting economic activity by them or the place of preferential extraction by them of profit on activities is this state), and persons who are under control of the specified foreign persons, irrespective of the place of their registration (further - the faces of the United States of America) which can be used for the purpose of compensation of damage.
4. For the purpose of preparation of reply to the request, the stipulated in Item 3 presents of the Decree, the Commission will organize identification of property which taking into account the principle of harmony can be used for the purpose of compensation of damage. The list of such property is brought by the Commission into court. Treat such property:
a) the personal and real estate of the United States of America or the faces of the United States of America which is in the territory of the Russian Federation;
b) the securities belonging to the United States of America or the faces of the United States of America, shares in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian legal entities;
c) the property rights belonging to the United States of America or the faces of the United States of America.
5. By results of consideration of the application, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the Decree, the court makes the decision on factual determination of unreasonable deprivation of the Russian owner of the rights to property and on compensation of damage or the decision on refusal in satisfaction of this statement.
6. The decision on factual determination of unreasonable deprivation of the Russian owner of the rights to property and on compensation of damage provides the termination of the rights to the property of the United States of America or the face of the United States of America included in the list, the stipulated in Item 4 presents of the Decree and the subsequent transfer of these rights to the Russian owner for the purpose of compensation of damage.
7. The procedure for consideration of request, the stipulated in Item 3 presents of the Decree, and determination of the list, the stipulated in Item 4 presents of the Decree, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
8. The federal executive body authorized on appeal to the court with the statement, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the Decree, except as specified damnifications to the Central bank of the Russian Federation can be determined by the government of the Russian Federation.
9. In 4-month time to provide to the government of the Russian Federation entering into the legislation of the Russian Federation of the changes directed to implementation of this Decree.
10. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin
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