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of May 14, 2024 No. 210-HK

About approval of professional standards in the field of trading activity

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) the professional standard "Wholesale Trade by Broad Range of Goods without Any Specification in Shopping Facilities with the Floor Space More than 2000 Sq.m (2000 Sq.m and Above), including Wholesale and Food Distribution Centres", according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the professional standard "Retail Trade by Cars and Easy Vehicles in Shopping Facilities with the Floor Space More than 2000 Sq.m (2000 Sq.m and Above)", according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the professional Standard "Other Retail Trade in the Unspecialized Shops Which Are Shopping Facilities with the Floor Space Less than 2000 Sq.m", according to appendix 3 to this order;

2. To provide to committee of trade of the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) within five calendar days from the date of signing of this order the direction it electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective on the expiration of 5 working days after day of its first official publication.

Acting minister of trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Bizhanova

It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 14, 2024 No. 210-HK

Professional standard "Wholesale Trade by Broad Range of Goods without Any Specification in Shopping Facilities with the Floor Space More than 2000 Sq.m (2000 Sq.m and Above), including Wholesale and Food Distribution Centres"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Scope of the professional standard: According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" the professional standard "Wholesale Trade by Broad Range of Goods without Any Specification in Shopping Facilities with the Floor Space More than 2000 Sq.m (2000 Sq.m and Above), including Wholesale and Food Distribution Centres" which is intended for determination of requirements to skill level, of competence is developed, to content, quality and working conditions of workers and it is applied in the field of trading activity.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) Wholesale trade – business activity on sales of goods, intended for the subsequent sale or other purposes which are not connected with personal, family, home and other similar use.

2) Retail trade – business activity on sale to the buyer of the goods intended for the personal, family, home or other use which is not connected with business activity.

3) Goods – any, not withdrawn from circulation work product, held for sale or exchange.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) KS – the job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees developed and approved according to subitem 16-2) of Article 16 of the Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2) MSKO – the international standard classification of education.

3) ETKS – single tarifno – the job evaluation catalog.

4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications.

5) BBD (Best Before Day) - "the first recommended term expires - the first leaves".

6) FEFO (firstkended, firstkout) - "comes to an end with the first - the first leaves".

7) FIFO (firstkin, firstkout) - "the first enters - the first leaves".

8) FPFO (First Product First Out) - "the first is made - the first leaves".

9) LEFO (lastkended, firstkout) - "comes to an end with the last - the first leaves".

10) LIFO (lastkin, firstkout) - "the last enters - the first leaves".

11) RACE - the formula describing methodology and the mechanism of the PR-kampanii organization: R-research – research, the analysis and problem definition; A-action – action, development of the program and estimate; C-communication - communication, implementation of the program information and communicative means; E-evaluation - assessment, determination of results and entering of amendments into the program.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

Name of the Professional standard:

Wholesale trade by broad range of goods without any specification in shopping facilities with the floor space more than 2000 sq.m (2000 sq.m and above), including wholesale and food distribution centers.

Number of the Professional standard:


Names of section, the Section, group, class and subclass according to OKED

G – Wholesale and retail trade; car repairs and motorcycles;

46 – wholesale trade, except for cars and motorcycles;

46.9 – Unspecialized wholesale trade;

46.90 – Unspecialized wholesale trade

46.90.3 – Wholesale trade by broad range of goods without any specification in shopping facilities with the floor space more than 2000 sq.m (2000 sq.m and above), including wholesale and food distribution centers

Short description of the Professional standard:

Wholesale trade by broad range of goods represents implementation of commercial mediation between production of goods and retail trade, revealing reserves of development of goods turnover, improvement of servicing of buyers and making of merchandising.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

List of cards of professions:


2nd ORK level.


4th ORK level.

Chief storekeeper

5th ORK level

Advertizing expert

6th ORK level

Consultant for trading activities

2-y ORK level

Identification number agent

5th ORK level


5th ORK level

Sales agent and to consumer research

5-y ORK level

Agent (trade and commercial)

5-y ORK level

Purchasing agent

5-y ORK level


5-y ORK level

Specialist in the organization of purchases

5-y ORK level

Specialist in procedures of purchases

5-y ORK level

Technical purchases specialist

5th ORK level

Supply agent

5th ORK level

The representative on supply

5-y ORK level

Pre-sales specialist

6-y ORK level

Profession card: Storekeeper

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:


Skill level on ORK


qualification subtotal on ORK

Skill level on ETKC, KC, standard qualification characteristics


Level of professional education

Practical experience and/or professional training (short-term rates based on the organization of education or training at the company) in the presence of general secondary education, but not below the main average

Connection with informal and informalny education

it is not required

Other possible names of profession:

4321-0-014 Employee of warehouse

4321-0-017 The accountant on warehouse

Main objective of activities

Ensuring safety of the warehoused inventory items, observance of the modes of storage, accounting of warehouse operations.

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

1. Accomplishment of movements, stackings, placement on storage locations

2. Weighing, accounting, sorting, marking, packaging and unpacking

3. Participation in inventory count

4. Support consumable materials, tools, the equipment and storage locations in technically serviceable condition

Additional labor functions


Labor function 1:

Accomplishment of movements, stackings, placement on storage locations

Skill 1:

Stacking and placement of goods on racks


1. Calculate the area of storage.

2. Apply rational methods of stacking, ensure safety of goods, exclude losses, create conveniences to their correct and bystry sampling, promote more effective use of warehouse space.

3. Constitute help card-index on storage of each type of goods.

4. Use schemes of placement and system of address storage of goods.

5. Develop schemes of placement of goods.

6. Observe requirements to stacking of goods.

7. Allocate zones of short-term and long-term storage.

8. Follow rules of joint storage of inventory items.


1. Rules of execution of the shipping documentation.

2. Rules of accomplishment of handling works.

3. Service regulations of vehicles and storage equipment.

4. Acceptance procedures and leaves of goods.

5. Methods and rules of stacking of goods (rack, stacked, in bulk, in the suspended type and other) depending on form, weight, packaging, physical properties and quantity.

6. Rules of rack stacking of goods.

7. Rules of stacking of goods in stacks.

8. Properties of goods, its packaging and weight.

9. Methods of placement and storage of goods.

10. Rules of creation of schemes of placement of goods.

11. The requirements applied to stacking of goods.

12. Principles of stacking of goods.

13. Rules of joint storage of inventory items.

14. Types of racks (half-internal, cellular, cellular, console, etc.).

15. Methods of stacking of goods in case of address storage.

16. Bases of the organization of handling works.

Skill 2:

Obtaining and recalculation of inventories


1. Provide storage conditions of material values in warehouse.

2. Enter data in the program of inventory accounting.

3. Observe requirements of sanitary standards.

4. Differentiate technology losses, losses from scrap, losses of TMZ in case of storage and transportation which are caused by violation of requirements and standards, technical and technology conditions, rules of technical operation of the equipment and damage of container, from natural wastage.


1. Rules of transportation, warehousing and scheme of placement of inventory items.

2. Rate of natural loss and inadmissible commodity losses, their types.

3. Conditions and modes of storage of material values.

4. Methods of accounting of goods in warehouse.

5. Delivery types of goods.

6. Rules of creation of acts (owing to fight, spoil, scrap).

7. Inventory costing methods.

8. Types and procedure for assurance of shipping documents of RK, and also when importing and exporting.

9. Rules and procedure for storage and warehousing of inventory items, provision and instruction for their accounting.

Skill 3:

Survey of warehouse stocks regarding depreciation or defects


1. Process necessary documents in case of detection of defects, draw up deficiencies lists and statements on write-off of the deteriorated goods.

2. Observe fire safety.

3. Estimate quality of storage of material values.

4. Reject products.


1. Types and classification of depreciation of fixed assets, methods of its determination.

2. Methods of detection of defects.

3. Types, brand sizes, grade and other quality characteristics of inventory items and regulation of their expense.

4. Methods of prevention of spoil of inventory stocks.

5. Rules of destruction of damaged goods, execution of acts.

Labor function 2:

Weighing, accounting, sorting, marking, packaging and unpacking

Skill 1:

Weighing, goods quantity accounting, marking, stamping, data entry in accounting system


1. Process warehouse and financial documents of accounting of products.

2. Perform accounting of inventory items, by means of computer aids and the software.

3. Create documents with results of weighing, intermediate delivery notes, overweight and other.


1. Accounting methods of FEFO, FIFO, LIFO, BBD, FPFO and scheme of accounting of goods.

2. Service regulations of computer aids, communications and communication.

3. Classification of devices, procedure and technology of weighing,

4. Methods and rules of marking, main methods of stamping.

5. Conditions of acceptance, storage and leave of the warehoused inventory items.

Skill 2:

Sorting, packaging of goods


1. Pack and unpack goods, loads.

2. Sort goods.

3. Consolidate and raskonsolidirovat goods according to regulations and the approved processes.

4. Move material values to storage locations manually or by means of pilers and other mechanisms with the layout their (sorting) according to types, quality, appointment and other signs.

5. Complete batches of inventory stocks according to requests of consumers.


1. Types, means methods of sorting, packaging, categories of marriages of goods.

2. Types, sizes, brands, grade and other quality characteristics of inventory items and regulation of their expense.

3. Methods of storage of goods and material values and methods of their warehousing

Labor function 3:

Participation in inventory count

Skill 1:

Observance of the approved regulations of preparation, carrying out and completion of inventory count


1. Use the approved instructions of preparation, carrying out and completion of inventory count.

2. Determine the article, quantity and serial number and in case of need to have accurate algorithm of their determination.


1. Inventory count types (complete, selective, cyclic).

2. Procedure for acceptance, storage and issue of inventory items.

3. Types of losses of goods.

4. Procedures and rules of carrying out inventory count.

Skill 2:

Control of the actual availability and quantity of goods


1. Carry out inventory count of inventory items.

2. Carry out audits of inventory items.

3. Perform recalculation and weighing of goods.

4. Draw up documentation and keep the reporting according to the existing standards, instructions and the regulating documentation.


1. Procedure for carrying out inventory count and audit.

2. Instructions for carrying out audit of goods.

3. Nomenclature goods and their placement.

Labor function 4:

Support consumable materials, tools, the equipment and storage locations in technically serviceable condition

Skill 1:

Observance of safe engineering


1. Observe safety rules.

2. Carry out audit of zone of servicing.

3. Calculate passes between racks.

4. Provide the place for journey of auto-loaders.


1. Employment policies and procedures.

2. Rules and regulations of labor protection.

Skill 2:

Control of condition of consumable materials, tools, equipment and storage location


1. Check condition of ways of transportation of loads and devices for passes, drives, production sites of handling and warehouse works.

2. Check workplace for compliance to safety requirements.

3. Check availability and operability of barriers, platforms, necessary for safe work, otboyny bar, security board, brake shoes, roller lom and other devices for lifting and moving loads.

4. Check visually integrity of container and lack of passages of the liquids which are stored in it, operability of step-ladders and ladders, terms of their testing, stability of stacks of goods.


1. Methods of storage of stock, technical means, tools, aggregates.

2. Standard rates, standards on safe engineering.

Possibility of recognition of skill

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences

Sense of duty

Skill to communicate





Resistance to stress

List of technical regulations and national standards


Communication with other professions within ORK


4321-0-014 Employee of warehouse

Profession card: Merchandiser

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:


Skill level on ORK


qualification subtotal on ORK

Skill level on ETKC, KC, standard qualification characteristics

The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553. "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees".

No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020.

Level of professional education

Technical and professional education of the increased level (additional professional training), practical experience

Connection with informal and informalny education

it is not required

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities

Ensuring the maximum sales by high-quality accounting, maintenance and the offer of all declared assortment and quality control of products.

Labor functions

Obligatory functions

1. Carrying out visual incoming inspection of inventory items.

2. Carrying out weight control of commodity material inventories in the organization of wholesale trade.

3. Ensuring identification and tracing of goods during the transporting and storage.

4. Ensuring safe custody of goods

5. Preparation of goods for storage and issue

6. Work with inappropriate products

Labor function 1:

Carrying out visual incoming inspection of inventory items

Skill 1:

Control of quantity, quality and picking of goods in case of acceptance


1. Accept goods according to the name, weight, quantity and according to the accompanying documentation.

2. Reveal, eliminate and prevent the reasons of violations of engineering procedures.

3. Register delivery notes in the receipt magazine and the specialized software.


1. Operations procedure and rules of execution of documentation in case of detection of inappropriate products.

2. Acceptance procedures of products by quantity, quality and cost.

Skill 2:

Registration of discrepancies by quantity, quality and picking in case of acceptance of goods


1. Draw up statements of acceptance of assets, with indication of quantity of the inspected goods and nature of the revealed defects (in the presence).

2. To timely isolate inappropriate products.

3. Draw up statements on return of goods to the supplier if it appeared inadequate type.

4. Constitute claims, the conclusions to the supplier in case of receipt of low-quality goods.


1. Rules of packaging and marking of inappropriate products.

2. Forms of accounting documents and procedure for creation of the reporting.

3. Standards and specifications on goods, their main properties and characteristics in point of wholesale trade by broad range of goods.

4. Methods of quality control of goods.

5. Procedure for creation of claims and conclusions for the supplier in case of delivery of low-quality goods or other agreement breaches.

Labor function 2:

Carrying out weight control of commodity material inventories in the organization of wholesale trade.

Skill 1:

Check of compliance of the declared weight to actual weight


1. Accept and release goods according to the name, weight, quantity and according to the accompanying documentation.

2. Draw up documentation according to the existing standards, instructions and the regulating documentation to point of wholesale trade by broad range of goods.


1. Rules of weighing of loads, products, goods.

2. Rules of execution of the shipping documentation.

3. Accounting methods of inventory items.

Skill 2:

Control of operability of the weight equipment


1. Reveal defect of the weight equipment.

2. Apply the regulating and methodical documentation necessary in point for wholesale trade by broad range of goods.


1. Types, appointment and procedure for use of the weight equipment.

2. Operations procedure and rules of execution of documentation in case of detection of inappropriate products.

Labor function 3:

Ensuring identification and tracing of goods during the transporting and storage

Skill 1:

Marking of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Use tools and transport storage equipment.

2. Complete and pereukomplektovyvat products according to the approved logistic requirements.


1. Rules of picking, packaging and marking of goods and container.

2. Rules of packaging, marking, storage and utilization of inappropriate products.

Skill 2:

Execution of the accompanying documentation


1. Perform acceptance and leave of goods according to the name, weight, quantity, assortment and quality according to data of the accompanying documentation.

2. Draw up commodity-transport delivery note, acts of measurement and weighing.


1. Delivery conditions, storages and transportations of goods.

2. Procedure for filling of commodity-transport delivery notes.

3. Procedure for execution of acts of measurement and acts of weighing.

4. Concept of synthetic and analytical accounting methods.

Labor function 4:

Ensuring safe custody of goods

Skill 1:

Acceptance, storage, leave, placement and transportation of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Record warehouse operations.

2. Use tools and transport storage equipment.

3. Ensure safety of products during the transporting, storage and accomplishment of handling works.

4. Perform acceptance, storage and leave of goods and their placement taking into account the most rational use of storage facilities.


1. Rules of transportation, warehousing, scheme of placement of goods.

2. Rules of accomplishment of handling works.

3. Procedure for acceptance, storage and issue of goods.

Skill 2:

Control of integrity and safety of goods


1. Perform accounting of goods.

2. Take part in inventory count.

3. Determine the reasons of formation of excessive above-standard material resources and illiquid assets, to take measures for their realization.


1. Rules of accounting of warehouse operations, documentation on the warehoused goods.

2. Procedure for acceptance, storage and issue of goods.

Skill 3:

Observance of the modes and storage conditions of goods


1. Comply with the modes and storage conditions of inventory stocks.

2. Control observance of storage precautions of inventory items in warehouses.


1. Standards and specifications on storage of goods in point to wholesale trade by broad range of goods.

2. Methods of placement and storage of goods.

Skill 4:

Implementation of corrective actions in case of identification of violations in the course of carrying out warehouse operations


1. Follow rules and the modes of storage according to the regulating documentation.

2. Complete and repack products according to logistic requirements.


1. Rules of packaging, marking of goods and container.

2. Storage precautions and addresses with dangerous and hazardous substances.

3. Modes and storage conditions of goods.

Labor function 5:

Preparation of goods for storage and issue

Skill 1:

Documentary registration of process of storage and issue of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Draw up documentation and messages otchetno according to standards, instructions and the regulating documentation, in relation to the organization of wholesale trade by broad range of goods.

2. Organize transportation and storage of raw materials, materials, fuel, the equipment and finished products.

3. Keep operational account of receipt and realization of inventory items.


1. Rules of packaging, marking of goods and container.

2. Procedure for acceptance, storage and issue of goods.

3. Procedure for creation of acts of reception-transmission of goods on storage.

Skill 2:

Processing of goods taking into account observance of requirements for ensuring their safety


1. Complete and repack products according to logistic requirements.

2. Apply rules of cargo transfer.


1. Rules and operations procedure when repacking and picking goods.

2. Rules of accomplishment of handling works.

3. Rules of packaging, marking, storage and utilization of inappropriate products.

4. Nomenclature goods and their placement.

Labor function 6:

Work with inappropriate products

Skill 1:

Identification, registration and isolation of inappropriate products according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Control accomplishment of contractual commitments on receipt and realization.

2. Prepare data for creation of claims for deliveries of low-quality inventory items.

3. Respond to claims of customers.


1. Rules of execution of documentation on inappropriate products.

2. Rules of packaging, marking, storage and utilization of inappropriate products.

Skill 2:

Identification, elimination and prevention of origins of inappropriate products


1. Participate in development and implement standards of the organization for material logistics, sale, quality control of products.


1. Operations procedure in case of detection of inappropriate products.

2. Origins of defects in the course of acceptance, repacking and movement of goods, methods of their prevention and elimination.

Possibility of recognition of skill

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences

Sense of duty

Skill to communicate





Resistance to stress



List of technical regulations and national standards


Communication with other professions within ORK


3349-0-004 Administrator of the hall

Profession card: Chief storekeeper

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Chief storekeeper

Skill level on ORK


qualification subtotal on ORK

Skill level on ETKC, KC, standard qualification characteristics

The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553. "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees".

No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020.

Level of professional education

Technical and professional education of the increased level (additional professional training), practical experience

Connection with informal and informalny education

it is not required

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities

Management and the organization of processes of merchandising when forming assortment and assessment of conformity of quality and safety of goods.

Labor functions

Obligatory functions

1. Write-off of goods.

2. Work on inventory count of goods.

3. Creation of the operational and statistical reporting.

4. Calculation of inventories for determination of remaining balance of inventory items.

5. Control of accomplishment of loading unloading works, acceptance and leave of inventory items.

Additional labor functions


Description of labor functions

Labor function 1:

Write-off of goods

Skill 1:

Check of condition of goods


1. Ensure safety of goods.

2. Check warehousing of inventory items.

3. Ensure safety of the material values which are available in warehouse.

4. Control quality and condition of commodity material values.


1. Methods of detection and completion of inappropriate products.

2. Operations procedure in case of detection of inappropriate products.

Skill 2:

Identification of the goods who are subject to write-off


1. Reveal the inventory items which are subject to write-off.

2. To timely isolate inappropriate products.


1. Rules of packaging, marking, storage and utilization of inappropriate products.

2. Origins of defects in the course of acceptance, repacking, movement of inventory items, methods of their prevention and elimination.

3. Methods and methods of identification and write-off of inventory items.

4. Procedure for withdrawal of goods.

Skill 3:

Documentary registration of process of write-off of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Fill forms of source accounting documents according to normative requirements of RK in electronic and in paper form.

2. Razbrakovyvat inappropriate products.


1. The regulatory legal acts RK regulating forms of source accounting documents

2. Procedure for acceptance, storage and issue of inventory stocks.

3. Rules of execution of documentation on inappropriate products.

4. Rules and nuances of creation of the document for write-off.

5. Classification of intake of materials in point of wholesale trade.

6. Procedure and rules of write-off of inventory stocks.

7. Rules of creation of acts on write-off and utilization.

8. Stages of process of write-off of goods.

Labor function 2:

Work on inventory count of goods

Skill 1:

Check of the actual availability and condition of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Carry out audits of goods.

2. Carry out inventory count of goods.

3. Draw up inventory acts and inventories, collation sheets.



1. Instructions for carrying out inventory count and audit of goods.

2. Rates of natural loss of goods.

3. Rules of conducting financial accounting RK.

4. Rules and terms of acceptance of goods and their documentary registration.

Skill 2:

Check of observance of rules and storage conditions of goods according to requirements of the regulating documentation


1. Use the software of tax statements and financial accounting in work.

2. Record warehouse operations, the established reporting.

3. Provide accomplishment of safety rules and labor protection, production sanitation and requirements of fire safety.

4. Observe requirements of labor protection, fire, industrial and ecological safety.


1. Instruction on fire safety.

2. Instructions on industrial and ecological safety.

3. Standards and specifications on storage of inventory items.

4. Types, sizes, brands, grade and other quality characteristics of inventory items and regulation of their expense.

5. Requirements of fire safety.

6. Specifications and standards on storage of inventory items.

Labor function 3:

Creation of the operational and statistical reporting

Skill 1:

Collection, processing and data analysis for forming of reporting documentation



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