Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

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of March 22, 2024 No. 331

Some questions of implementation of activities for adoption and the device of the orphan children, children deprived of parent guardianship, social protection of the children left without parent guardianship

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Enter payment of provisional allowance on children concerning whom established fact of lack of parent guardianship and who are temporarily arranged in seven relatives, acquaintances, foster home or orphanage of family type, "The child not one", in the amount of 2,5 of subsistence minimum for children of the corresponding age on each child, for children with disability - 3,5 of subsistence minimum for children of the corresponding age on each child.

2. Approve the Procedure for appointment and payment of provisional allowance to children concerning whom established fact of lack of parent guardianship and who are temporarily arranged in seven relatives, acquaintances, foster home or orphanage of family type, "The child not one" that is applied.

3. Bring the enclosed changes in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

4. To public service for children together with regional, Kiev city military authorities to provide carrying out information and explanatory work among the population concerning the Procedure for appointment and payment of the temporary help on children concerning whom established fact of lack of parent guardianship and who are temporarily arranged in seven relatives, acquaintances, foster home or orphanage of family type, "The child not one".

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 22, 2024, No. 331

Procedure for appointment and payment of provisional allowance to children, concerning which established fact of lack of parent guardianship and who are temporarily arranged in seven relatives, acquaintances, foster home or orphanage of family type, "The child not one"

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of appointment and payment of provisional allowance to children concerning whom established fact of lack of parent guardianship and who according to requirements of the Procedure for production by guardianship and custody bodies of the activities connected with protection of the rights of the child approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 24, 2008 No. 866 "Questions of the activities of guardianship and custody bodies connected with protection of the rights of the child" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2008, No. 76, the Art. 2561) which are temporarily arranged in seven relatives, acquaintances, foster home or orphanage of family type, "The child not one" (further - the temporary help).

2. Payment of the temporary help is performed at the expense of means of the government budget.

3. Person in whose family child(children), concerning which, (which) established fact of lack of parent guardianship and which constantly lives in the territory of Ukraine (except persons living in the territories which are temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation according to the list of the territories in which are conducted fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, the approved Minreintegration, or being located abroad (was conducted)) is temporarily arranged has the right to purpose of the temporary help.

The temporary help is appointed based on the order of service for children about the temporary device of the child concerning which established fact of lack of parent guardianship, for the term of the temporary device of the child, specified in such order, in case:

death or death of parents or one of parents in case other parent does not carry out the obligations;

Failure to carry out by parents of the obligations for the reasons of stay of parents or one of parents in case other parent does not carry out the obligations, in the territories which since February 24, 2022 are in temporary occupation, environment (blocking) / temporarily occupied territory according to the list of the territories in which are conducted fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, the approved Minreintegration (was conducted);

stay of parents or one of parents in case other parent does not carry out the obligations, in search as missing persons in case of special circumstances or recognition by missing persons in case of special circumstances (lack of the death certificate of parents of the child);


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