of December 21, 2023 No. 2220
About carrying out in the territory of the Russian Federation experiment on marking by means of identification of the forages packed into consumer packaging for animals
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Conduct from December 25, 2023 to August 31, 2024 in the territory of the Russian Federation experiment on marking by means of identification of the forages packed into consumer packaging for animals (further - experiment).
2. Approve enclosed:
3. Determine that the federal executive bodies authorized on ensuring carrying out experiment are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service, Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, Federal Accreditation Service and Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (further - authorized bodies).
4. Agree with the offer of Operator-TsRPT limited liability company on implementation by the specified society on a grant basis of functions of the operator of the information system used for the purpose of carrying out experiment (further - information system).
5. Recommend to the operator of information system to develop till January 25, 2024:
a) requirements to information system;
b) requirements to ensuring the information security containing in information system and to ensuring information security when using information and communication technologies within the experiment.
6. Provide to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation:
a) coordination of creation and functioning of information system;
b) approval till February 15, 2024 of requirements to information system, and also requirements to ensuring the information security containing in information system, and information security when using information and communication technologies within the experiment;
c) development and approval till February 29, 2024 of methodical recommendations about carrying out experiment and the scheduled plan of carrying out experiment;
d) carrying out in coordination with authorized bodies of assessment of results of experiment and submission of the corresponding reports to the Government of the Russian Federation till March 29 and till August 31, 2024.
7. To provide to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation coordination and monitoring of work of participants of turnover of the forages packed into consumer packaging for the animals participating in experiment.
8. To provide to the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Customs Service, Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare and Federal Accreditation Service when implementing powers in the established spheres of maintaining information exchange of the information systems with information system with use of information which is earlier placed in them, and also accounting of the data transferred by participants of experiment to information system within the experiment including regarding accounting of the data containing in subsystem of the national catalog of the marked goods of information system.
To Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance to expand integration interaction of the information system with information system with use of information which is earlier placed in them, and also to provide accounting of the data transferred by participants of experiment to information system within the experiment including regarding accounting of the data containing in subsystem of the national catalog of the marked goods of information system.
9. Realization by authorized bodies of the actions provided by this resolution is performed within the established extreme number of staff of employees of the relevant authorized bodies and budgetary appropriations provided on management and management in the field of the established functions.
10. For the purpose of ensuring information exchange of authorized bodies the information system is connected on a grant basis to single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 No. 697 "About single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2023 No. 2220
1. This Provision establishes procedure for carrying out in the territory of the Russian Federation experiment on marking by means of identification of the forages packed into consumer packaging for animals (further respectively - stern for animals, experiment).
2. The purposes of experiment are:
a) determination and approval of the federal executive bodies authorized on ensuring carrying out experiment and also producers, importers of forages for the animals, the organizations of wholesale and retail trade (further - participants of turnover of forages for animals) the scope of information about goods allowing to identify unambiguously commodity unit of forages for animals;
b) testing of opportunities of use of technology of drawing means of identification for forages for animals and structure of information containing in them and determination of optimum methods of marking by means of identification of the specified products proceeding from possibility of application of the relevant technology solutions;
c) approbation of completeness and sufficiency of mechanisms of marking by means of identification of forages for animals for ensuring counteraction to illegal import, production and turnover of forages for animals, including counterfeit, and also for increase in collecting of taxes and customs payments;
d) the organization of effective interaction of public authorities, including regulatory authorities, with participants of turnover of forages for animals;
e) determination of technical capabilities of the information system used for the purpose of carrying out experiment (further - information system), and its further development, and also its information exchange with the state information systems of the federal executive bodies authorized on ensuring carrying out experiment, including expansion of integration with federal state information system in the field of veterinary science;
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