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of May 20, 2024 No. 429

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for the prior notice of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (territorial authority of safety) and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services separate categories of persons about departure from the Russian Federation

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for the prior notice of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (territorial authority of safety) and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services by separate categories of persons about departure from the Russian Federation.

2. To the government of the Russian Federation in 3-month time to bring the acts into accord with this Decree.

3. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2024 No. 429

Regulations on procedure for the prior notice of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (territorial authority of safety) and Russian Foreign Intelligence Service separate categories of persons about departure from the Russian Federation

1. This Provision determines procedure for the prior notice of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) (territorial authority of safety) and Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR of Russia) by persons replacing the positions provided by the list of positions in case of which replacement persons are considered allowed to the state secret, the approved order of the President of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2010 No. 24-rp "About approval of the list of positions in case of which replacement persons are considered as senators of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, judges, deputies of legislature of subjects of the Russian Federation, heads of municipalities, lawyers allowed to the state secret", and also informed in data of special importance or absolutely classified information (further - persons) on departure from the Russian Federation except for the officials who are subject to the state protection according to article 8 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1996 No. 57-FZ "About the state protection", and officials whose departure from the Russian Federation is determined by other decisions of the President of the Russian Federation.

2. Persons planning departure from the Russian Federation (except for lawyers), inform FSB of Russia (territorial authority of safety) and SVR of Russia on such departure by means of the direction (transfer) to regime and confidential division of public authority, other state body, local government body or the organization (further - body or the organization) in which it is recorded their awarenesses in the data which are the state secret, the written notice of departure from the Russian Federation (further - the notification).

3. The lawyers planning departure from the Russian Federation inform FSB of Russia (territorial authority of safety) and SVR of Russia on such departure by means of the direction (transfer) of the notification to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) (its territorial authority).

4. In the notification the following information is specified:

a) surname, name, middle name (in the presence) persons;

b) name of position of person;

c) birth date of person;

d) purpose of departure from the Russian Federation;

e) state or the states, including the states through which transit, and terms of the planned stay outside the territory of the Russian Federation is performed;

e) type of the vehicle which is planned to be used for departure from the Russian Federation;

g) the address of the place of stay outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

5. The notification goes (is transferred) by persons not later than 30 calendar days before date of departure from the Russian Federation. In case of need urgent departure of person from the Russian Federation on treatment or on other urgent circumstances (disease or the death of the close relative who is outside the territory of the Russian Federation, need of personal presence when making the legally significant actions connected with inheritance acceptance according to the legislation of foreign state, official journey) the direction (transfer) of the notification is performed without delay.

6. The notification form, procedure and method of its direction (transfer) by persons, except for lawyers, are determined by body or the organization taking into account possibility of confirmation of the fact of the direction (transfer) of the notification. For lawyers the notification form, procedure and method of its direction (transfer) are determined by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

7. The body or the organization or the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (its territorial authorities) after receipt of the notification sends it to FSB of Russia (territorial authority of safety) both SVR of Russia according to the procedure and terms which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.


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