Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 19, 2024

About encouragement and mutual protection of investments

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic which are hereinafter referred to as jointly "Parties" and separately "Party"

wishing to create favorable conditions for closer bilateral economic cooperation and, in particular, for investments of investors of one state in the territory of other state, the equalities based on the principles and mutual advantage;

recognizing the growing value of encouragement and protection of investments for stimulation of investment initiatives and achievement of prosperity in both states;

recognizing that these objectives can be achieved without violation of the national regulations and rules concerning health, safety, environmental protection, work and the principles of corporate social liability for national corporations so that to promote goal achievement of sustainable development;

recognizing importance of technology transfer, creation of workplaces and human resources development as a result of implementation of such investments;

recognizing that each Party reserves the right to regulate foreign investments in the territory of the state and to take necessary measures for providing that the investing activities corresponded to the national legal system, policy and strategies of development for its state;

agreed as follows:

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Determinations

If other is not established, for the purposes of this agreement the following words and terms have the corresponding values:

1. Investments mean all asset types, one Party and the states of such Party enclosed in the territory of the state of other Party in objects of economic activity according to the current legislation which are in property or controlled directly or indirectly by the investor of the state, and have characteristics of investments, such as capital investments, expectation of the income or profit, acceptance on themselves risk or certain duration, contribution to economic development of the host state, and in particular, include:


personal and real estate;

property rights (mortgage, property right to retain, pledge and others);

shares and other forms of participation in the legal entity;

bonds and other debt obligations;

intellectual property rights (including trademarks, copyright and related rights, patents, useful models, industrial designs, topology of integral chips, selection achievements, names of places of goods origin, geographical instructions, trade names and know-how);

any right to implementation of the activities based on the license or in other form provided by state bodies of the state of the Party;

the concessions based on the legislation of the state of the Party including concessions on search, development, production or operation of natural resources of the state of the Party;

profits or income gained from investments and reinvested in the territory of the state of the Party;

other forms of investment which are not prohibited by the legislation of the states of the Parties.

Form in which the property is invested or change of this form do not influence its nature as investments.

2. The investor means any physical persons and legal entities of investing activities performing investment of own, loan or raised funds in the form of direct investments.

The physical person means person who according to the national legal system of the state of one Party is his citizen.

Within this agreement the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic having also other nationality is considered by the states of the Parties only as the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic whose economic activity is performed in the territory of the states of the Parties.

Other nationality means availability at the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of nationality of foreign state or several foreign states according to requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.


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