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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

On April 4, 2024 No. 218


of March 28, 2024 No. 178

About distribution of powers between state bodies on ensuring biological safety and biological protection

According to article 12 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" and article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About ensuring biological safety and biological protection" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

Distribute powers between state bodies on ensuring biological safety and biological protection as follows:

1) the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic safety of the population and medicobiological safety within the powers:

- conducting state policy in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- development and program implementation, strategy, national plan of action, projects and implementation of cooperation with the international organizations;

- evaluating biological risk and the analysis concerning release and distribution of controlled biological agents and toxins;

- control over fulfillment of requirements of the legislation in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- creation and periodic updating of national lists of controlled biological agents and toxins, and also equipment and dual-use technologies;

- issue of licenses for activities on use of causative agents of infectious diseases;

- carrying out complex of actions, including quarantine controlled biological agents and toxins on destruction, on risk minimization of negative impact, increase in security of the population and the environment, and also efficiency evaluation of the specified actions;

- implementation of the complex analysis of situations, identification of new biological threats and forecasting of their possible consequences;

- implementation of modern methods of indication and identification of controlled biological agents and toxins according to the international classification;

- creation and protection of national collections of pathogenic microorganisms (causative agents of infectious diseases) against unauthorized access and plunder;

- development of hygienic standard rates of content of controlled biological agents and toxins in foodstuff and the environment;

- ensuring production supervision and state supervision of the address of biological waste;

- creation of the state information system of ensuring biological safety;

- biological monitoring of the sanitary territories of potentially dangerous biological objects and development of the feasibility statement on measures for decrease in liquidation of risk level;

- carrying out biological investigation of application of controlled biological agents and toxins as biological and toksinny weapon for the purpose of development of response measures and minimization of possible negative consequences;

- approval of forms of accounting and the reporting for submission of data;

- accounting in case of development, acquisition, production, ownership, storage, transportation, transfer or use of controlled biological agents and toxins, and also ensuring protection of potentially dangerous biological objects;

- appointment of the inspectors trained in questions of biological safety and biological protection and implementation of inspection activities;

- submission of offers on withdrawal of controlled biological agents and toxins, the equipment and dual-use technologies, to freezing and confiscation of any money connected with the any kinds of activities forbidden by the legislation;

- implementation of exchange of information with other states and the international organizations within signed agreements;

- submission of annual reports to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan about accomplishment of the international obligations in the field of biological safety and biological protection.

- implementation of other powers, stipulated by the legislation Republic of Tajikistan;

2) Committee of food security under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the sphere of ensuring supervision of food security, veterinary, phytosanitary control, quarantine of plants, seeds and their reproduction within the powers:

- conducting state policy in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- control over fulfillment of requirements of the legislation in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- development and program implementation, strategy, national plan of action, projects and implementation of cooperation with the international organizations;

- evaluating biological risk and the analysis concerning release and distribution of controlled biological agents and toxins;

- strengthening of border control over controlled biological agents and toxins, the equipment and dual-use technologies within provisions of international agreements for the purpose of prevention of terrorist threats;

- approval of forms of accounting and the reporting for submission of data;

- implementation of exchange of information with other states and the international organizations within signed agreements;

- submission of annual reports to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan about accomplishment of the international obligations in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- implementation of other powers, stipulated by the legislation Republic of Tajikistan;

3) Committee on environmental protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the sphere of control of protection of biodiversity, the activities connected with genetically modified organisms and reduction of risk of their adverse effect on health of the person and the environment within the powers:

- conducting state policy in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- control over fulfillment of requirements of the legislation in the field of biological safety and biological protection;

- development and program implementation, strategy, national plan of action, projects and implementation of cooperation with the international organizations;

- evaluating biological risk and the analysis concerning release and distribution of controlled biological agents and toxins to the environment;

- development of the basic principles according to the analysis, assessment and management of the biological risks connected with release to the environment of controlled biological agents and toxins and to mitigation of the consequences of their impact;

- development of evaluation criteria and ranging of potentially dangerous biological objects on the environment;

- enhancement of evaluation methods of safety of again created types of the products including received with use of the live changed organisms bio - and nanotechnologies;

- carrying out biological investigation of application of the controlled biological agents and toxins and also created with use of genetic engineering as biological and toksinny weapon for development of response measures and minimization of possible negative consequences;

- creation of the state information system of ensuring biological safety;


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