Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 7, 2024 No. UP-74

About determination of the priority directions of implementation and development of modern management system in water economy

For the purpose of ensuring achievement of the main target indicators in the priority directions determined in Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", and also implementations of modern management in water economy proceeding from the best foreign practices:

1. Determine the Ministry of water economy the state body performing maintaining single water balance on all sources and also coordination of work on the organization and maintaining the State water inventory.

Determine the main activities of the Ministry of water economy:

maintaining single water balance and State water inventory;

ensuring water safety of the country by effective management of water resources of the cross-border and internal rivers, Sai, and also creation of sufficient water-supplies in natural lakes, water constructions and underground sources;

development of irrigational and meliorative system, uninterrupted providing all industries of economy with water of consumers;

creation of transparent management system water resources and accounting of water with wide use of digital technologies;

widespread introduction to the sphere of modern resource-saving technologies, scientific achievements and know-how;

increase in efficiency of use of water resources by widespread introduction of market mechanisms in water use and water resources management;

the organization of the scientific research directed to increase in cost efficiency of rational use of water and water management objects;

the organization of the system work aimed at safety of water management objects;

development of the interstate relations concerning use of transboundary water resources.

2. Determine the main directions of reforming of management of water economy:

the organization of structure of the Ministry of water economy by its separation on upper, average and lower links, and also specific determination of functions;

specific determination of powers of the Ministry of water economy of maintaining Single water balance and inventory;

increase in efficiency of the state control of use and protection of waters;

ensuring development of industry on the basis of the strategic and innovative ideas, evidence-based offers and initiatives;

increase in attractiveness of water management objects for private sector by adjustment of transparent system of business on water management objects;

creation of additional conveniences to water users due to simplification of system of permissions to water use;

attraction to the sphere of qualified specialists due to enhancement of wages system and decrease in staff turnover;

radical reforming of system of development of the project documentation on construction of large water management objects and activation of industry design institutes.

3. Form in structure of the Ministry of water economy within the total extreme number of managerial personnel as the independent legal entity:

a) following:

Agency on operation of objects of water economy (further – operation Agency);

Department on projects implementation of water economy;

b) following:

The central dispatching office and water balance sheet service - based on the Central dispatching office, communication and cadastral service;

The center of reforms in water economy - based on the Information and analytical and resource center;

The Khorezm research center of water problems under Research institution of irrigation and water problems - based on Research center of water problems under the Cabinet of Ministers;

public institution "Implementation of market mechanisms in water economy" - based on public institution "Safe river" under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change.

4. Approve:

organizational structure of the Ministry of water economy according to appendix No. 1;

organizational structure of the Agency on operation of objects of water economy according to appendix No. 2;

organizational structure of Department on projects implementation of water economy according to appendix No. 3.

5. Approve vertical management system from three links and distribution of functions of the organizations of the Ministry of water economy according to appendix No. 4.

6. Determine that according to appendix No. 5 since July 1, 2024 in case of determination of official pay rate of employees of the Ministry of water economy and the organizations of its system according to the approved grades in compensation on the Single scale of charges the increased tariff coefficients and since 2025 - monthly allowances in coefficients are applied to official pay rate taking into account stimulation coefficient for long service.

The expenses arising in connection with introduction of the procedure provided in appendix No. 5 to this Decree are performed in 2024 at the expense of the funds allocated to the Ministry of water economy from the Government budget, including the part of the means provided for covering of electricity costs for pumping points saved according to forecasts since 2025 - at the expense of the means provided in parameters of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

7. Approve "Road map" on deepening of reforms in the field of water economy and transformation of activities of system according to appendix No. 6.

8. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas together with the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change and the Ministry of water economy till August 15, 2024 to provide allocation of lands of water fund of natural water objects to the relevant organizations users in system of the Ministry of water economy on the right of permanent use.

9. Determine that:

The ministry of water economy is the body performing functions of the participant on behalf of the state for the UZGIP LLC organizations and Suvloyikha LLC;

intervention of the third parties, including public authorities on places, in activities of the Ministry of water economy and the organizations of its system concerning water resources management is forbidden.

10. Take into consideration that according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 7, 2022 No. PP-439 "About additional measures for protection and streamlining of rational use of underground water resources":

for the purpose of conducting exact accounting of use of underground waters the obligation on equipment of the constructions of intake of underground waters which are under their authority by means of accounting of water in accordance with the established procedure is assigned to users of underground waters till January 1, 2024;

since January 1, 2024 use of constructions of intake of the underground waters which are not equipped with means of accounting of water is forbidden to users of underground waters.


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