of March 27, 2024 No. PP-140
About measures for project implementation "Recovery of steady forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" with participation of International Development Association
For the purpose of recovery of steady forest landscapes and effective management of forest resources in the republic, and also consecutive continuation of measures for support of green economy:
1. Take into consideration that:
within the Agreement on financing signed on April 10, 2023 between the Republic of Uzbekistan and International Development Association for project implementation "Recovery of steady forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" (further - the Project) borrowed funds in the amount of 142 million US dollars for a period of 30 years, including five-year grace period, and also grants in the amount of 11 million US dollars within the grant agreements signed by the Republic of Uzbekistan with PROGREEN Trust fund and KWPF Fund of the Republic of Korea are raised;
the total cost of the Project constitutes 205, 45 million US dollars, including share of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Project - 52, 45 million US dollars;
the period of project implementation constitutes 6 years (2023 - 2028).
2. Determine that:
The ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change and forestry Agency are the executive bodies responsible for timely and complete realization, coordination and project management, target and effective use of the raised borrowed funds and grants, and also conducting monitoring and the reporting during project implementation, timely return of borrowed funds;
under forestry Agency the Project implementation team "Recovery of steady forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" (further - the Project implementation team) with participation of International Development Association with the status of the legal entity is created;
during project implementation the expense budget and the staff list of the Project implementation team annually affirm the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change in coordination with the Ministry of Economics and finance.
3. Approve:
Technical and economic parameters of the "Recovery of Steady Forest Landscapes in Uzbekistan" project according to appendix No. 1 *;
the amount of attraction and return of borrowed funds of International Development Association on the "Recovery of Steady Forest Landscapes in Uzbekistan" project according to appendix No. 2 *;
The forecast schedule of use and return of borrowed funds of International Development Association, payment of the commission and percent within project implementation "Recovery of steady forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" according to appendix No. 3 *;
"Road map" on project implementation "Recovery of steady forest landscapes in Uzbekistan" according to appendix No. 4 *;
actions plans, performed in the Jizzakh, Namangan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Syr Darya and Surkhandarya regions within the "Recovery of Steady Forest Landscapes in Uzbekistan" project, according to appendices No. 5 *, 5a - 5e*.
4. Take into consideration that - to the Minister of Economy and Finance D. A. Kuchkarov power on signing on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the agreement on financing and grant agreements on the borrowed and grant funds raised according to this resolution is conferred to the deputy prime minister.
Provide to the Prime Minister - the Minister of Economy and Finance D. A. Kuchkarov power if necessary to make changes and additions to the agreement on financing and grant agreements, and also based on offers of the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change and forestry Agency to sign agreements on loaning up of loan and to make to them corresponding changes and additions.
5. Issue to the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the established procedure the legal conclusions under the agreement on financing and the grant agreements provided by this resolution, if necessary - under agreements on modification and amendments in the specified agreements.
6. Within the Project for efficiency evaluation of works on recovery of the woods to resolve carrying out inventory count of the woods in the corresponding territory before projects implementation by means of space shooting with use of opportunities of the Uzbekkosmos Agency.
7. To provide to the ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change and forestry Agency:
preparation of the respective buildings and rooms for the storage, installation and installation of the purchased equipment to the goods delivery acquired within the Project;
timely preparation and submission to the interested ministries and departments of necessary reports and documents according to requirements of International Development Association and acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
creation of necessary conditions for holding the actions determined within the Project;
for the purpose of effective project implementation attraction in the Project implementation team of the foreign specialists having wide experience in project management;
together with khokimiyats of the Jizzakh, Namangan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Syr Darya and Surkhandarya regions timely and high-quality execution of the tasks determined in the actions approved according to appendices No. 5 *, 5a - 5e * to this resolution.
* Appendices are given in Uzbek.
8. To the ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change and forestry Agency to perform necessary measures for economy to 10 percent of the funds allocated within the Project and also expansions of scale of works (actions) which carrying out is provided by technical and economic parameters of the Project.
9. To Audit Chamber and anti-corruption Agency to establish constant control behind effective and rational use of the funds allocated within the Project and also ensuring openness and publicity in this process.
10. To the republican headquarters on control and coordination of implementation of state programs (S. I. Samadov) to exercise system control of target and effective expenditure of the funds allocated within the Project.
11. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to requests of the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change to provide execution of entrance visas to the foreign specialists participating in project implementation without collection of the consular fees and charges on account of compensation of actual expenses.
12. Assign to the minister of ecology, environmental protection and climate change A. A. Abdukhakimov the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.
Discussion of course of execution of this resolution, implementation of coordination and the control of organization activity responsible for its execution to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
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