Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 3, 2024 No. 563

About introduction of temporary ban on export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation and about approval of amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union

According to articles 29 and 47 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, with appendix No. 7 to the specified Agreement, with article 21 of the Federal law "About Bases of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity" and for the purpose of ensuring food security the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish from the date of entry into force of this resolution till August 31, 2024 inclusive temporary ban on export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation (further respectively - sugar, temporary ban).

2. Approve enclosed:

amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union;

Rules for apportionment between participants of foreign trade activity of amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

3. Determine that temporary ban:

a) extends also to the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation from the date of entry into force of this resolution, declared and issued according to customs procedures;

b) does not extend:

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation and issued according to the customs procedures allowing its export from the territory of the Russian Federation and accepted by Russian Railways open joint stock company to transportation about day of entry into force of this resolution;

on the sugar which is taken out from the territory of the Russian Federation to state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in the presence of the one-time license for export granted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation within the amounts of export of sugar provided by amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by this resolution;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation for rendering the international humanitarian assistance to foreign states based on decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation within the international intergovernmental agreements;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation within the international transit carriages which are beginning and coming to an end outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and also moved between parts of the territory of the Russian Federation through the territories of foreign states;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation as supplies;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring activities of the military forming of the Russian Federation which are in the territories of foreign states;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring organization activity of the Russian Federation, located in Baikonur (Republic of Kazakhstan) and in the territory of the Baikonur complex;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring organization activity of the Russian Federation on Svalbard archipelago;

on the sugar which is taken out from the territory of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic South Ossetia;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation by physical persons for private use;

on the sugar which is taken out from the territory of the Russian Federation when implementing transit international airborne transportations through the territory of the Russian Federation to the third countries in the following cases:

the aircraft makes intermediate landing at the international airport of the Russian Federation without unloading of sugar and after intermediate landing follows out of limits of the territory of the Russian Federation;

the aircraft makes intermediate landing at the international airport of the Russian Federation with single overload of sugar on other aircraft going out of limits of the territory of the Russian Federation (without its room under customs procedure of customs transit) provided that sugar is under customs control and does not leave the check point through frontier of the Russian Federation;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation for use by passengers and crew members water, aircrafts or passengers of trains and workers of crews of train, drivers of the automotive vehicles performing international carriages and also for ensuring activities of water vessels, constructions and installations concerning which the Russian Federation has the exclusive jurisdiction;

on the sugar which is exported from the territory of the Russian Federation on which the decision on the import prohibition by results of federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) at check points through frontier of the Russian Federation which is drawn up according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation is made.

4. To the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation:

within 10 working days from the date of entry into force of this resolution to distribute between participants of foreign trade activity the sugar export amounts provided by amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by this resolution, according to the Rules approved by this resolution;

within 11 working days from the date of entry into force of this resolution to provide information on the distributed sugar export amounts to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;

provide approval of issue of one-time licenses for export for the purpose of accounting of the amounts of export of sugar provided by amounts of export of sugar reed or beet and chemically net sucrose, in firm condition (code of 1701 CN FEA EEU), from the Russian Federation in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by this resolution, established concerning each state member of the Eurasian Economic Union.


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