of February 19, 2024 No. PP-75
About additional measures for further increase in role of the laws in regulation of the public relations and qualities of rule-making process
Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition and Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" takes out on the agenda number of questions on enhancement of the national legal system, improvement of quality and efficiency of legislative process, expansion of practice of adoption of the laws of direct action, and also ensuring stability of legal regulation.
For the purpose of achievement of ensuring harmonization of rule-making activities with reforms and developments of institutional bases of the state legal policy of Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", including further increase in role of the laws in regulation of the public relations, including determination of specific measures for completion of legal gaps and realization of referential regulations in the laws, and also ensuring uniformity of law-enforcement practice:
1. Take into consideration that in 135 complete laws accepted in 2017 - 2023 there are only 543 referential regulations, for realization of 41 referential regulations in 23 laws bylaws are not adopted.
2. Approve the Plan of measures for realization of referential regulations of the laws in the sphere of the state and public construction, judicial and legal, economic and social spheres (further - the Plan died) according to appendix.
3. For the purpose of ensuring consecutive increase in share of the laws of direct action and timely realization of referential regulations in the laws to agree with the offer of chambers of Oliy Majlis and Cabinet of Ministers on implementation since March 1, 2024 of the procedures providing:
determination without fail in the bill of specific terms of realization of the referential regulations and executives in charge provided in the bill;
determination of obligation of discussion of possibility of raising on the level of the law of the relations regulated by bylaws in the sphere on which the bill regulating the respective sphere, and also specifying about it in the explanatory note to the bill is prepared;
implementation of practice of assessment by responsible state body and committees of chambers of Oliy Majlis of regulatory impact of the law for determination of its efficiency, goal achievement and the expected results after five years from the date of entry into force of the law.
4. For the purpose of expansion of participation of institutes of civil society and representatives of scientific community in project development of regulatory legal acts, enhancement of system of public discussion and ensuring the rule-making process which is brought closer to the people to implement the procedure providing since March 1, 2024:
placement of information on preparation of drafts of the regulatory legal acts having the extreme economic and social and political importance on the Portal of discussion of drafts of regulatory legal acts before their development, relying on the positive experience accumulated in the course of development and adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition and also obtaining at the initial stage of offers and recommendations of the public and development on their basis of the corresponding projects;
in case of project development about recognition of the regulatory legal act voided carrying out inventory count of the subordinate regulatory legal acts adopted on its basis, consideration of question also of recognition their invalid.
5. To provide to the responsible ministries and departments at the scheduled time, the determined Plan of measures approved according to appendix to this resolution, careful development, coordination and acceptance or introduction in accordance with the established procedure of normative and legal and other acts following the results of the critical analysis of legal acts, profound and comprehensive study of national and international experience.
6. To the Ministry of Justice:
conduct coordination monitoring in accordance with the established procedure and entering of drafts of regulatory legal acts into Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers;
provide conducting legal examination of drafts of the regulatory legal acts provided by the Plan of measures and also state registration of departmental regulatory legal acts;
establish efficient control of response by developers to offers and notes of the population on the drafts of regulatory legal acts submitted for public discussion;
determine as separate criterion for evaluation of compliance of drafts of regulatory legal acts of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan when conducting legal examination of project data proceeding from the constitutional regulations about the highest legal force and direct operation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the territory of the country;
provide observance of requirements of this resolution when conducting legal examination of drafts of regulatory legal acts;
in three-months time to approve methodical recommendations for the ministries and departments about project development of the regulatory legal acts having the extreme economic and social and political importance on the basis of offers and recommendations of the public, proceeding from requirements of this resolution;
in three-months time to make in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on increase in efficiency of measures for explanation to law enforcement officials and the population of the laws for the purpose of ensuring their specific and correct practical application.
7. Assign to the first heads of the responsible ministries and departments the personal responsibility for timely and high-quality preparation, conducting examination and coordination of drafts of the normative and legal and other acts determined by the Plan of measures.
8. Recommend to Legislative house and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis to establish efficient parliamentary control of realization of referential regulations.
9. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 19, 2024 No. PP-75
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