Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of February 27, 2024 No. 218
About approval of the Procedure for maintaining the list of schemes of electronic identification, purses with digital identification
According to part one of article 15-2 of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 27, 2024, No. 218
1. This Procedure determines the procedure of maintaining the list of schemes of electronic identification, purses with digital identification (further - the list) and modification of such list.
Action of this Procedure does not extend to provision of services of electronic identification according to provisions of paragraph two of part one of article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services" (further - the Law).
2. The administrator of the integrated system of electronic identification (further - system) - the state company "Deystviye" (further - the system administrator) performs forming, support in current state and the publication on the website of system of the list.
Access to the list is free and is performed through electronic communication networks public.
3. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Law and other regulatory legal acts in spheres of electronic identification and electronic confidential services.
4. For inclusion of schemes of electronic identification in the list service providers of electronic identification submit Mintsifra in paper or electronic form, in particular with use of system, the documents, including the statement provided by part two of article 15-2 of the Law.
5. Mintsifra by results of consideration of the application and the filed documents within 15 working days from the date of registration of a statement makes the decision on inclusion of the scheme of electronic identification in the list or directs to the applicant motivated failure.
6. Makes the decision on failure in inclusion of the scheme of electronic identification in Mintsifra's list in case of availability of the bases provided by part four of article 15-2 of the Law.
7. Mintsifra after decision making about inclusion of the scheme of electronic identification in the list not later than within two working days reports to service providers of electronic identification about the made decision (directs the copy of the decision) and sends to the system administrator the copy of the specified decision, and also the copy of the documents provided by part two of article 15-2 of the Law.
8. The system administrator not later than within two working days after obtaining from Mintsifra of the copy the decision on inclusion of the scheme of electronic identification in the list adds the scheme of electronic identification to the list.
9. The system administrator not later than during the next working day after inclusion of schemes of electronic identification in the list or modification of the list electronically informs Mintsifra on such inclusion.
Date of inclusion of the scheme of electronic identification in the list is date of the publication on the website of system of the corresponding scheme.
10. Modification of the list is performed according to the requirements determined by part five of article 15-2 of the Law.
11. Mintsifra within three working days from the date of registration of a statement about modification of the list sends the copy of such statement together with the documents confirming corresponding changes to the system administrator for entering of corresponding changes into the list or provides motivated failure.
12. The system administrator not later than within two working days after obtaining from Mintsifra of the copy of the application about modification of the list together with the documents confirming corresponding changes enters changes into the list published on the website the systems.
13. Mintsifra not later than during the next working day after acceptance on the bases determined by part six of article 15-2 of the Law, the decision on the termination of functioning of the scheme of electronic identification sends to the system administrator the copy of the specified decision.
14. The system administrator in day of obtaining from Mintsifra of the copy of the decision on the termination of functioning of the scheme of electronic identification enters information on the termination of functioning of the scheme of electronic identification into the list published on the website the systems.
15. The system administrator provides information protection in system according to article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "About information protection in information communications systems".
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