of April 10, 2024 No. 260
About use of the tariff privilege in respect of separate types of mollusks
For the purpose of implementation of decisions of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of August 29, 2023 "About modification of some decisions of the Commission of the Customs union concerning separate types of octopuses" and of December 25, 2023 No. 160 "About modification of some decisions of the Commission of the Customs union concerning separate types of mollusks" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 92
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for use of the tariff privilege for import to the Republic of Belarus of amounts of separate types of mollusks it (is applied).
2. To add Item 1.3 of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of the managing approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 548, with subitem 1.3.17 of the following content:
"1.3.17. Receipt of confirmation about reference of imported goods to the goods specified in subitem 7.1.59 and (or) subitem 7.1.65 of Item 7 of the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of November 27, 2009 to No. 130 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production |
5 working days |
free of charge". |
3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication and is effective till December 31, 2026.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2024 No. 260
1. This Provision determines procedure for use of the tariff privilege for import to the Republic of Belarus of amounts of separate types of mollusks *, the Eurasian economic commission provided by decisions of Council of August 29, 2023 No. 92 and of December 25, 2023 No. 160.
* For the purposes of this provision separate types of mollusks are understood as separate types of octopuses frozen, separate types of squids frozen (except komandorsky squid), separate types of meat of krill is blanched - ice cream, the separate types of ready or tinned mussels classified according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union the codes specified in subitem 7.1.59 and (or) subitem 7.1.65 of Item 7 of the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of November 27, 2009 to No. 130 "On single customs and tariff regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union".
2. For receipt of the tariff privilege for import to the Republic of Belarus of amounts of separate types of mollusks the legal entity (further – the applicant) sends to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (further – Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production) the written application about issue of confirmation about reference of imported goods to the goods specified in subitem 7.1.59 and (or) subitem 7.1.65 of Item 7 of the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of November 27, 2009 to No. 130 (further respectively – the statement, confirmation).
3. The statement shall contain:
registration (outgoing) number and registration date;
full name of the applicant;
description of goods, commodity code according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (further – the CN FEA EEU);
required amounts of separate types of mollusks and their cost;
reasons for need of allocation of required amounts of separate types of mollusks;
if the applicant is the legal entity performing production of the corresponding products – number and date of the certificate of self-produced products for which production imported goods will be used;
if the applicant is only importer – number and date of the agreement (contract) signed on delivery of goods to the legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs performing production of the corresponding products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, number and date of the letter from the legal entity, the individual entrepreneur performing production of the corresponding products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the applicant with confirmation of the fact that the goods will be used in case of production of food products.
4. The statement is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its receipt. Receipt date of the statement registration date of its receipt in Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production is considered.
5. By results of consideration of the application Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production makes the decision on issue of confirmation or on refusal in its issue.
6. Confirmation is issued according to the procedure of priority of the arriving statements free of charge in any form and shall contain the information about the CN FEA EEU, amounts and cost of separate types of mollusks, and also about the applicant.
Confirmation is issued to the applicant in duplicate on paper. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production assigns to confirmation unique registration number.
One copy of confirmation is subject to submission by the applicant to the customs authority performing release of the goods specified in this confirmation, the second – remains at the applicant.
Confirmation effective period – before commodity importation in the amount specified in confirmation.
7. The bases for refusal in issue of confirmation are:
non-compliance with conditions and (or) exhaustion of amounts of separate types of the mollusks provided in subitem 7.1.59 and (or) subitem 7.1.65 of Item 7 of the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of November 27, 2009 No. 130;
the cases determined in article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z "About bases of ministerial procedures".
8. The notification on the decision made by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production is issued or goes to the applicant according to the procedure, provided in article 27 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures".
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