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of December 29, 2023 No. 985

About temporary price regulation

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 21.03.2024 No. 196)

Based on Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2023 "About taking measures in the field of pricing" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 171

1. Establish:

1.1. limiting maximum allowances of importers and limiting maximum wholesale allowances to selling price of the producer (importer) according to appendix 1 on:

to the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production *, the vehicles, machines and the equipment according to appendix 2, spare parts, nodes and aggregates for the vehicles, machines and the equipment specified in appendix 2 intended for realization;

remedies of plants ** (except for remedies of the plants intended for retail trade (in interior package);

feed additives *** (except for feed additives for cats, dogs, decorative rodents, decorative birds and other unproductive animals ****);


* The subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production are understood as legal entities, including their separate divisions which core activity are the crop production and livestock production, fish breeding, preparation and spinning of flax fiber, rendering meliorative services (drainage of agricultural sites, construction of irrigating systems (channels), pumping points, buildings and constructions which are integral part of meliorative systems), provision of services in the field of crop production and livestock production, wholesale trade by fertilizers, agrochemical goods, veterinary means, the machinery and equipment for agricultural industry, repair of farm tractors, machines and the equipment for agricultural industry.

** The term of "remedy of plants" is used in the value determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 25, 2005 No. 77-Z "About quarantine and protection of plants".

*** The term "feed additives" is used in the value determined in the technical regulation of the Republic of Belarus "Stern and feed additives. Safety" (TP 2010/025/BY), No. 1055 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 14, 2010.

**** Animals who contain and grown up for the purpose of, not connected with power supply product receipt.

veterinary medicines * for farm animals **;

seeds of agricultural plants *** (except for the seeds intended for retail trade (in interior package), seeds of flower and ornamental plants (seeds, saplings, fruits, parts of aggregate fruits, compound fruits, bulbs, tubers), onion set);

compound feeds for farm animals (except for the compound feeds intended for retail trade (in interior package);


* The term "veterinary medicines" is used in the value determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 No. 161-Z "About veterinary activities".

** The term "farm animals" is used in the value determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 15, 2015 No. 287-Z "About identification, registration, traceability of animal (herds), identification and traceability of animal products".

*** The term "seeds of agricultural plants" is used in the value determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 7, 2021 No. 102-Z "About selection and seed farming of agricultural plants".

meal (cake) sunflower, soy, rape, intended for realization on the fodder purposes or productions of compound feeds to the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production.

The size of the collectable wholesale allowance shall not exceed the extreme size of the maximum wholesale allowance irrespective of the number of the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs participating in sales of goods, except as specified, provided in part two of Item 3 of this resolution;

1.2. the limiting maximum standard rate of profitability used for determination of the amount of the profit which is subject to inclusion in selling prices of producers on the goods specified in paragraphs the second – the seventh the parts one of subitem 1.1 of this Item made and realized in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the amount of 20 percent (if other size is not established by the President of the Republic of Belarus or Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus).

2. Price regulation is entered by this resolution on the goods made (imported) and (or) realized by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus.

3. Legal entities or individual entrepreneurs in case of wholesale trade by the goods specified in paragraphs the second and eighth (regarding import goods) parts one of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution concerning which they are not producers or importers create the prices by application of the wholesale allowance in the amount of, not exceeding the limiting maximum wholesale allowance according to appendix 1, to the selling price of the producer (importer) created using the profitability level (the allowance of the importer) who is not exceeding the limiting maximum standard rate of profitability established in subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of this resolution (the limiting maximum allowance of the importer established in appendix 1) and on condition of confirmation by the producer (importer) of observance of the conditions of forming of selling price provided in this Item.

Remaining balance of goods can be implemented at the prices created by application of the wholesale allowance is not higher established in appendix 1 to the acquisition price, developed at subjects of trade on:

On February 12, 2023, – on the goods specified in paragraphs the second or sixth and eighth to part one of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution;

On January 5, 2024, – on cleaners of meliorative channels, installations for washing of drainage, spare parts, nodes and aggregates for them, and also the goods specified in paragraph seven of part one of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution.

4. Contract prices of the imported goods specified in paragraphs the second or eighth to part one of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution shall be proved.

Reasons for contract price shall be based on results of studying of market situation (with indication of criteria of the choice of goods), commercial and (or) financial delivery conditions of goods.

Reasons for contract price are integral part of the economic calculations confirming the level of selling prices on goods.


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