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of February 7, 2024 No. 51, on February 12, 2024 No. 29

About approval of Rules of use of payments of target accumulatings from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of payment of education according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

According to the subitem 116) Article 5 and the subitem 32) article 5-3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education", PRIKAZYVAYEM:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of use of payments of target accumulatings from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of payment of education according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. To provide to committee of the higher and postgraduate education of the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its placement on Internet resource of the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

3. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the supervising vice-minister of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This joint order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


__________ G. Beysembayev

Minister of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


__________ S. Nurbek

It is approved

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market


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Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan



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Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan



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Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan


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to the joint Order of the Minister of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 7, 2024 No. 51, on February 12, 2024 No. 29

Rules of use of payments of target accumulatings from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of payment of education according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of use of payments of target accumulatings from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of payment of education according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Rules), are developed according to the subitem 116) of Article 5 and the subitem 32) of article 5-3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" and determine procedure for use of payments of target accumulatings from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of payment of education according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The basic concepts used in these rules:

1) the educational credit - the money provided to the borrower by the financial organizations for payment of training at conditions of urgency, the paid nature and recoverability;

2) the organization of education - the organization of education realizing educational programs of technical and professional, postsecondary, higher and postgraduate education;

3) the single accumulation pension fund (further - ENPF) - the legal entity performing accounting of target assets and target requirements, accounting and transfer of target accumulatings on target accumulation accounts, payments of target accumulatings to the receiver of target accumulatings from target accumulation account to the authorized operator, accounting of returns of target accumulatings;

4) dynamic identification - the procedure of identification of the client for the purpose of unambiguous confirmation of its rights to electronic banking services by use of disposable (one-time) code;

5) participating bank - banks of the second level, the National operator of mail who is answering with the established Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the State educational accumulative system" (further - the Law on GONS) to requirements and signed the agreement on cooperation in the sphere of the State educational accumulative system with the operator in the sphere of the State educational accumulative system;

6) the insurance participating organization - the legal entity who is performing activities for the conclusion and execution of agreements of educational accumulative insurance based on the corresponding license of authorized body on regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations and signed the agreement on cooperation in the sphere of the State educational accumulative system with the operator in the sphere of the State educational accumulative system;

7) the operator in the sphere of the State educational accumulative system (further - the operator) - the organization determined by the joint decision of authorized bodies in the field of education, performing coordination of activities of participants of the State educational accumulative system and providing its functioning in limits, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) the receiver of target accumulatings - the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who reached eighteen-year age, having the right to target accumulatings;

9) payments of target accumulatings - the amount of the target accumulatings paid from target accumulation account to the receiver of target accumulatings, and also heirs according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


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