Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 31, 1999 No. 69-FZ

About gas supply in the Russian Federation

(as amended on 12-12-2023)

Accepted by the State Duma on March 12, 1999

Approved by the Federation Council on March 17, 1999

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Federal Law

This Federal Law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of the relations in the field of gas supply in the Russian Federation and is aimed at providing requirements satisfaction of the state in strategic type of energy resources.

Provisions of this Federal Law are based on provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation according to which the interrogations concerning federal power systems, the legal basis of the single market, bases of price policy, safety of the Russian Federation belong to areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

gas - natural combustible gas (including the gas received in case of regasification of the natural combustible gas liquefied oil (passing) gas, stripped dry gas), the gas produced gazo-and the oil processing organizations;

gas supply - one of power supply forms representing activities for providing consumers with gas, including activities for forming of fund of the reconnoitered gas fields, production, transportation, storage and supply of gas;

gas supply system - the property industrial complex consisting from technologically, organizationally and economically interconnected and on a centralized basis the managed production and other facilities intended for production, transportation, storage, gas supply;

gas-distribution system - the property industrial complex consisting from organizationally and economically interconnected objects intended for transportation and supply of gas to directly his consumers;

independent organization - the organization which performs production and supply of gas and is independent of the organizations - owners of gas supply systems and the organizations - owners of gas-distribution systems;

the gas transmission organization - the organization which performs gas transportation and which has trunk gas pipelines and withdrawal of gas pipelines compressor stations and other production facilities are on the property right or on other legal causes;

gasification - sales activity of scientific and technical and project decisions, to implementation of the installation and construction works and organizational measures directed to use of gas as fuel and energy resource on objects of housing and communal services, industrial and other facilities;

the conservation zone of the gas pipeline - zone with special conditions of use of the territory which is established according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, along the route of gas pipelines and around other objects of this gas supply system for the purpose of providing normal service conditions of such objects and exception of possibility of their damage;

the supplier (the gas supplying organization) - the owner of gas or person authorized by it, the performing gas supply to consumers under agreements;

the consumer of gas - person acquiring gas for own domestic needs, and also own production or other economic needs;

the single operator of gasification - the organization - the owner of the Unified gas supply system or the affiliate of the specified organization;

the regional operator of gasification - the organization which is not the single operator of gasification, performing operation and development in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, the federal territory of gas distribution networks and their objects, rendering the services connected with gas supply to his consumers and their servicing, owning on the property right or other legal cause gas distribution networks which total length is the greatest in comparison with the distribution networks belonging to other gas-distributing organizations and located in the territory of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation, the federal territory, and (or) having the greatest number of the signed gas transportation agreements to his consumers and (or) the greatest transportation loads of gas to his consumers;

the gas-distributing organization - the specialized organization which owns on the property right or other legal cause gas distribution network and performs regulated type of activity on rendering transportation services of gas on gas distribution networks and on technological connection of the gas-using equipment to gas distribution networks, provides gas supply to his consumers, performs activities for maintenance and repair of the intra house and (or) intra room gas equipment, and also operation and development of gas-distribution system;

the scheme of gas supply and gasification of the subject of the Russian Federation - the document determining the main directions of perspective development of gas supply system and gas-distribution system in the subject of the Russian Federation, developed taking into account fuel and energy balance of appropriate subject of the Russian Federation and considered in case of development of documents of territorial planning of the Russian Federation, two and more subjects of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, municipalities and interregional and regional programs of gasification of housing and communal services, industrial and other bodies.

Article 3. Legislative and normative legal regulation of gas supply in the Russian Federation

Legislative and normative legal regulation of gas supply in the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the Housing code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "About Subsoil", the Federal Law "About Natural Monopolies", the Federal Law "About the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation" and consists of this Federal Law, the Federal Laws adopted according to it, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of municipalities.

Chapter II. Bases of state regulation of gas supply in the Russian Federation

Article 4. The principles of state policy in the field of gas supply in the Russian Federation

For the purpose of ensuring single approach to the solution of the questions concerning gas supply in the Russian Federation from public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and also the organizations performing gas supply in the Russian Federation the following principles of state policy in the specified area are established:

the state support of development of gas supply for the purpose of improvement of social and economic living conditions of the population, ensuring technical progress and creation of conditions for development of economy of the Russian Federation taking into account industrial and ecological safety;

state regulation of rational use of inventories of gas, especially the inventories of gas having strategic importance;


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