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of February 16, 2024 No. 63

About questions of transfer to the state-owned and municipal property of buildings and constructions

According to Articles 222, 505 Civil codes of the Kyrgyz Republic, Articles 6, 11 Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About municipal property on property", articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. To the state agency on management of state-owned property under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the established procedure:

- transfer to the municipal possession of city administration Bishkek the non-residential premise (the former building of kindergarten), at the address: the city of Bishkek, Ulitsa Moskovskaya, 19, with the adjacent parcel of land total area of 0,34 of hectare, identification code: 1-03-07-0040-0121 (further - object of state-owned property);

- accept from city administration Bishkek in state-owned property the parcel of land total area of 1,28 of hectare with the actual structures which is in municipal property at the address: Chuy Region, Alamudunsky district, Joint stock company-Debensky ayylny aimag, village of Kayyrma, No. contour 35, identification code: 701-01-0007-0018 (further - municipal object);

- conclude with Department on management of municipal property of city administration Bishkek the contract of exchange of object of state-owned property for municipal object;

- transfer municipal object to operational management of the State committee of homeland security of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- take other necessary measures following from this resolution.

2. Recommend to city administration Bishkek in accordance with the established procedure:

- accept object of state-owned property in municipal property;

- carry out state registration of the object transferred to the municipal possession.

3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on management of control of execution of decisions of the President and the Presidential Administration Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

4. This resolution becomes effective after seven days from the date of official publication.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Zhaparov


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