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It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
January 2, 2024
No. 3/41348
of December 7, 2023 No. 21-rp
About approval of the Procedure for conducting check of subjects of managing, associations, authorities, local government bodies, bodies of administrative management and control by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, its territorial departments
According to Item "About the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" and according to the paragraph the fifth the subitem 8 of Item 4, the paragraph the fourteenth subitem 21 and paragraphs of the twenty fifth and twenty sixth subitem 22 of Item 6 of the Section I of the Law of Ukraine of August 09, 2023 No. 3295-IX "About modification of some legal acts of Ukraine concerning enhancement of the legislation on protection of the economic competition and activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine DECIDED: 11 parts three of article 7 of the Law of Ukraine
1. Approve enclosed:
order form of conducting check and formation of the Commission on conducting check;
form of the act of conducting check.
2. Declare invalid the order of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine of December 25, 2001 No. 182-r "About Regulations on procedure for conducting checks of compliance with law on protection of the economic competition", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 13, 2002 at No. 139/6427.
3. To legal department () provide to Maksimenko A. submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the procedure established by the legislation.
4. This order becomes effective at the same time with entry into force of the Law of Ukraine of August 9, 2023 No. 3295-IX "About modification of some legal acts of Ukraine concerning enhancement of the legislation on protection of the economic competition and activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine", but not earlier than day of its official publication.
5. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.
Chairman of Committee
P. Kirilenko
It is approved: Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine |
I. Klimenko |
The first vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine |
Yu. Sviridenko |
First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine |
O. Vyskub |
The chairman of the National agency on corruption voprosampredotvrashcheniye |
A. Novikov |
Acting Chairman of the State Customs Service of Ukraine |
S. Zvyagintsev |
Approved by the Order of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine of December 7, 2023, No. 21-rp
1. This Procedure determines the procedure of carrying out by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (further - Committee), bodies of Committee, territorial departments of Committee, employees of Committee and its territorial departments of check of subjects of managing, associations, authorities, local government bodies, bodies of administrative management and control (further - object of check).
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following values:
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