of February 27, 2024 No. UP-41
About measures for further enhancement of public administration in the field of technical regulation
For the purpose of transformation of the sphere of technical regulation to system, transparent, effective and free from corruption, by the effective organization of public administration in the field, including in the field of standardization, certification and metrology, implementation of digital technologies, and also creation of conditions for acceleration of processes of harmonization of the sphere with requirements of the World Trade Organization, protection of the domestic market of the republic and expansion of geography of export:
1. Place under departmental authority of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Uzbek technical regulation agency under the Ministry of investments, industry and trade (further - the Agency).
2. Determine the main activities of the Agency:
cooperation increase with the international organizations and the foreign states for recognition in the export markets of results of national conformity assessment systems, testing and measurements;
acceptance of address measures for ensuring compliance of domestic production to modern requirements and increase in competitiveness in the foreign markets by implementation of international standards and technical regulations in case of its production;
widespread introduction of modern quality management systems, first of all at the export companies, and ensuring compliance of products to requirements of technical regulations and standardization;
harmonization with requirements of the World Trade Organization of the national legal system, instruments of technical regulation, assessment of conformity and regulating documents in the field of standardization;
taking measures to observance of quality requirements and safety of products (works, services), consumer protection from negative consequences as a result of the wrong measurement;
the organization and coordination of implementation of the state control over the implementation of mandatory requirements of regulating documents in the field of technical regulation, ensuring unity and correctness of measurements, accomplishment of rules of obligatory certification;
acceptance of effective measures according to the prevention and prevention of violations of acts of the legislation in the field of technical regulation, including standardization and metrology;
achievement of efficiency and effectiveness by digitalization of the sphere of technical regulation, expansion of types of the state services rendered to subjects of entrepreneurship, implementation of transparent and effective system, free from corruption;
the organization of retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of technical regulation.
3. Implement procedure for the state registration of products with high risk level made and imported from abroad since October 1, 2024. At the same time the certificate on carrying out state registration of products imported on the republic territory before its arrival is subject to obligatory placement by the importing party in the Customs information system "Single Window" and the Single electronic information system of the foreign trade transactions.
4. Transform in structure of the Agency:
the state company "Uzbek Center of Accreditation" in public institution "Uzbek center of accreditation" with preserving the operating procedure and sources of financing;
Department of the state control in the field of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology in Inspectorate for control in the field of technical regulation (further - Inspection).
5. Authorize the state inspectors of Inspection since September 1, 2024 to perform operational control actions without preliminary coordination with the Authorized representative for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of entrepreneurship with the obligatory notification of the Representative about performed within 24 hours from the moment of the beginning of check by registration in the Single system of electronic registration of checks.
6. Determine that:
a) The agency is the republican executive body performing state policy in the field of technical regulation, including standardization and metrology;
b) The agency performs coordination behind activities republican and local executive bodies and other organizations, and also technical committees on standardization created in case of them concerning questions of technical regulation, including standardization, certification and metrology;
c) The agency within the powers has the right to accept obligatory normative legal documents;
d) director of the Agency:
it is appointed to position and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure;
bears the personal responsibility for the proper and effective organization of work of the Agency and the organizations of its system, orientation by means of it their activities on result, and also unconditional and full achievement of the target indicators determined in this direction.
7. For the purpose of unconditional ensuring execution of certain tasks on the accelerated development of the region of technical regulation, digitalization and effective establishing activities of system, harmonization of the sphere with international standards to organize Republican interdepartmental council on development of the region of technical regulation in structure according to appendix No. 1.
8. To the agency and Ministry of Justice (A. Tashkulov):
to introduce the draft of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures for the organization of activities of the Agency on technical regulation to ten-day time;
in two-month time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this Decree.
9. Make changes and additions to some acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
10. Confer on the director of the Agency the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this Decree.
Discussion of course of execution of this Decree, implementation of coordination and the control of organization activity responsible for its execution to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
Appendix №1
to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 27, 2024 No. UP-41
1. |
A. Aripov |
- |
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chairman of Republican council |
2. |
A. Zhumanazarov |
- |
director of the Uzbek agency on technical regulation |
3. |
A. Tashkulov |
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Minister of Justice |
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