of February 8, 2024 No. PP-65
About measures for further enhancement of activities of service of the customer in construction of facilities of the sphere of preschool and general secondary education
For the purpose of effective use and economy of the funds allocated for the sphere of preschool and general secondary education, expense reduction on the subsequent content of the preschool educational organizations, comprehensive and specialized schools:
1. Agree with offers of the Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministries of Construction and Housing and Communal Services and the Ministries of preschool and school education:
about creation under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Engineering company of development of infrastructure (further - the Company) in the form of public institution;
about accomplishment of function of the customer by the Company on construction, reconstruction and major repair of the preschool educational organizations, comprehensive and specialized schools (further - objects) within the Development program of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2024 - 2026 approved by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 25, 2023 No. PP-404;
about provision of the Company of the right to purchase in centralized procedure for the parent construction materials, the equipment and designs (except for the furniture and the equipment which are not connected with construction process) for objects on the basis of the design estimates approved within the Program.
2. Approve structure of the Republican headquarters on coordination of works of construction of the preschool educational organizations, comprehensive and specialized schools (further - the Republican headquarters) according to appendix No. 1.
Determine the main objectives of the Republican headquarters:
creation of necessary conditions for establishing activities, financing and content of the created Company, including timely and high-quality accomplishment of the functions assigned to the Company;
acceptance of necessary measures for economy of funds by effective use of the means allocated for construction of facilities, and reducings excessive expenses;
the operational solution of the problematic issues arising when purchasing by the Company of construction materials, the equipment and designs for objects in centralized procedure, and also their timely delivery;
hearing on permanent basis of the report of the Company and responsible persons on amounts and terms of accomplishment design and building and construction works on objects;
approval and control of execution of the address program for construction and commissioning of new and additional objects at the expense of the means saved within the Program;
monthly discussion of condition of works on construction, reconstruction and major repair on objects.
3. Implement procedure according to which:
a) The company for construction, reconstruction and major repair of objects:
provides search and assessment of goods and services within implementation of purchases, negotiation with producers and suppliers, and also the conclusion of profitable agreements without decline in quality of goods;
performs direct delivery on objects of the purchased construction materials, the equipment and designs, and also transfers them to contractors;
b) The company for the purpose of implementation of regular quality control of objects fixes at least one employee of engineering supervision on each five objects by the territories;
c) The company is granted the right on:
direct procurement of goods by selection of the best offers without carrying out the tender (competitive) biddings according to the procedure of exception if proposals of producers of the construction materials, the equipment and designs necessary for objects are lower at the price in relation to average exchange prices of 20 percent;
allocation by reasonable calculations of preliminary advance payment in the amount of 30 percent on purchase (delivery) of the construction materials, the equipment and designs necessary for objects;
the conclusion of direct lease agreements by selection of the best offers without carrying out the tender (competitive) biddings for creation of storage facilities with necessary infrastructure in regions;
allocation to general contract organizations of appropriate means for purchase of necessary additional goods within the approved design estimates on the terms of implementation of the subsequent calculation of their cost for the performed works, except for construction materials, the equipment and designs which delivery is performed in centralized procedure;
involvement of domestic and foreign managing directors, consultants (PMC - Project Management Consultancy) by selection of the best offers without carrying out the tender (competitive) biddings and the conclusion of direct agreements.
4. Determine that:
a) financing expenses of activities of the Company, including content, strengthening of material and technical resources, involvement of domestic and foreign consultants, are performed at the expense of part of the funds allocated within the Program in the amount of at least 1 percent;
b) functions of the customer on the passing objects begun in last years within the Program carry out engineering companies "Service of the Single Customer" under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent respectively;
c) for the purpose of the correct determination of the minimum rating requirements on objects their starting cost is calculated together with the cost of the construction materials, the equipment and designs which are purchased by the Company specified in the design estimates;
d) on electronic tender platform of the National information system "Transparent Construction" for selection of contract organizations on construction, reconstruction and major repair of objects:
in case of determination of conditions of the announcement the amount and cost of the construction materials, the equipment and designs which are purchased in centralized procedure are placed separately taking into account expenses of the Company;
in the placed announcements the cost of the construction materials which are purchased by the Company, the equipment and designs specified in the design estimates is subtracted from the starting cost of objects. At the same time the expense amount of the prime contractor calculated on direct expenses completely remains;
e) transfer of engineering and communication networks in the territory of objects, and also actions for laying of networks of drinking water supply and the sewerage, electric utility service, gas supply and communication are performed according to JSC Uzsuvtajminot, JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti, JSC Hududgaztajminot and JSC Uzbektelekom at the expense of the means intended on these purposes in local budgets and their additional sources.
5. Approve the Plan of measures for the effective organization of works on designing, implementation of building and construction works and financing of the preschool educational organizations, comprehensive and specialized schools according to appendix No. 2.
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