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of February 1, 2024 No. UP-25

About first-priority measures for creation of the International center of digital technologies

For the purpose of creation of optimum conditions for increase in investment appeal of the market of digital technologies in the country, active attraction of foreign investments in development of digital economy, acceleration of export activities of the companies in the field of digital technologies, and also expansions of their integration with the international markets:

1. Take into consideration that:

No. PP-300 "About measures for high-quality and timely strategy implementation "Uzbekistan - 2030" in 2023" are determined by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 11, 2023 tasks by finishing export volume of services in the IT sphere to 5 billion dollars, quantity of the created workplaces to 100 thousand, to creation of more favorable conditions for the foreign companies in the IT park with finishing number of their representations to 1 000;

the number of residents of the IT park reached 1 652, including 426 - with participation of the foreign capital which make goods and services on 12,5 of one trillion sum, and also their export for 344 million dollars is performed.

2. Agree with the offers of the Ministry of digital technologies, the Ministries of Justice and the Ministries of investments, the industry and trade developed with participation of the leading foreign experts, providing:

creation in the territory of the IT park of the International center of digital technologies (International Digital Technology Center - "ENTERPRISE UZBEKISTAN", further - the Center) as the special territory with favorable conditions for production of products and rendering services in the field of digital technologies;

introduction since June 1, 2024 in the Center of special legal regime for the foreign companies according to the procedure of experiment for a period of up to 5 years.

3. Determine that in the territory of the Center according to the procedure of experiment the special legal regime in the following spheres is introduced:

implementation of "regulatory sandbox" on production and testing of innovations, services and business products in the field of digital technologies;

customs affairs and taxation;

employment relationships;

financial and banking activity;

processing and personal data protection;

rendering the state services;

protection of intellectual property;

consideration of commercial and civil disputes.

At the same time the Ministry of digital technologies is authorized body on implementation of special legal regime.

4. For the purpose of implementation in the territory of the Center of the special legal regime applied to the foreign IT companies to assign the following additional tasks to the Ministry of digital technologies:

assistance to investment attraction in digital national economy by creating favorable conditions for implementation of business and investing activities in the field of digital technologies on the basis of the best international practices;

development of consulting, legal, financial and other services for residents of the Technological park of software products and information technologies (IT park), and also other companies and the organizations;

stimulation and support of development of export of digital technologies and services by the companies and organizations, assistance to expansion of their activities in the foreign markets;

development of modern infrastructure in the territory of the Center.

5. Form Coordination council on the organization and coordination of activities of the Center, the operational solution of the arising questions, ensuring development of the documents regulating special legal regime within the experiment in structure according to appendix.

6. To coordination council (A. Aripov):

a) in three-months time:

introduce to Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the draft of the resolution providing approval of the Concept of development of the Center, and also mechanisms of regulation of the relations arising within the experiment based on special legal regime in the territory of the Center;

together with Administrative board of the Technological park of software products and information technologies to make offers on determination of the territory of the Center in the Cabinet of Ministers;

b) annually till April 1 to enter in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan information on the course of realization of experiment, and also the offer on further enhancement of the experiment made in the territory of the Center.

7. To the ministry of digital technologies together with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of investments, industry and trade till December 1, 2024 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the International center of digital technologies", taking into account preliminary results of experiment.

Provide reflection in the bill:

boards of the Center and its status;

the special legal regime determining special procedure and precepts of law of implementation of the business activity directed to investment attraction and stimulation of export activities in the field of digital technologies, and also regulations of customs and tax spheres, employment relationships and other conditions;

separate procedure of financial and banking activity, processing and personal data protection, rendering the state services, protection of intellectual property, and also consideration of commercial and civil disputes;

financing sources of the Center and other questions.

8. Assign to the minister of digital technologies Sh. H. Shermatov the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this Decree.

Discussion of course of execution of this Decree, implementation of coordination and control of activities of the departments responsible for its execution to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev



to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 1, 2024 No. UP-25

Structure of Coordination council on the organization of activities of the International center of digital technologies

A. N. Aripov


Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chairman of the board

D. A. Kuchkarov


the deputy prime minister - the Minister of Economy and Finance, the vice-chairman of Council

Sh. H. Shermatov


minister of digital technologies, vice-chairman of Council

A. D. Tashkulov


Minister of Justice

L. Sh. Kudratov


minister of investments, industry and trade


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