of January 18, 2024 No. UP-15
About additional measures for enhancement of procedure for provision in lease of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose
For the purpose of consecutive continuation of reforms in the field of the land relations begun according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 8, 2021 No. UP-6243 "About Measures for Ensuring Equality and Transparency in Land Relations, Reliable Protection of Land Rights and Their Transformation into Market Asset":
1. Implement since March 1, 2024 electronic online biddings instead of open electronic tender by provision in lease of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose.
a) the parcels of land of agricultural purpose are provided in lease for the term of thirty years by means of electronic online biddings in case of which the starting price is established in the amount of the normative cost of the parcel of land, the price of unrealized lots falls at each repeated biddings from 10 percent to 20 percent of the starting price step by step;
b) preparation of materials for exposure of the parcels of land to electronic online biddings, before entering of corresponding changes into the legislation, is performed according to the procedure, established for open electronic tender, and carrying out electronic online biddings is performed according to procedure for the organization and carrying out biddings;
c) winners of electronic online biddings in lease of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose are allowed to pay the cost of the parcel of land for provision by installments monthly in equal shares within three years;
d) the citizens included in "Iron notebook", "Female notebook" and "Youth notebook" which are winners of electronic online biddings on provision in lease of the parcels of land for maintaining farm, individual gardening, melon growing and livestock production are allowed to pay the cost of the parcel of land in interest-free payment by installments in equal shares within five years;
e) the means obtained from sale of the right of lease by means of electronic online biddings after the state registration of the right of lease less service fee of the operator, are distributed in the following procedure:
10 percent - to the organizations of system of the Ministry of Agriculture (2 percent - Center of Digitalization of Agricultural Industry LLC, 3 percent - to the State scientific design institute of Uzdaverloyikh, 5 percent - to Fund of development of agricultural industry and food supply);
5 percent - to off-budget funds of tax authorities of areas and cities;
the polutorakratny size of basic settlement size - on account of registering body for the state registration of the right of lease for the parcel of land;
other means - in the local budget of the respective area (city).
At the same time to determine the Tax Committee responsible for collection of payments for realization of the right of lease to the parcel of land of agricultural purpose.
To provide to the Tax Committee together with the Ministry of Agriculture and JSC Center of the Organization of Electronic Online Auctions till February 1, 2025 by means of integration of the databases conducting exact accounting of front card and payments for each lessee on realization of the right of lease to the parcel of land of agricultural purpose.
3. And Agency on management of the state assets till March 1, 2024 to provide to the Ministry of Agriculture together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokimama of areas, the Agency according to the inventory:
exposure 15 626,8 hectares of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose on electronic online biddings (adjacent to settlements, with good water supply, high productivity, amount, as a rule, with separation of contours more than 5 hectares into lots up to 1 hectare) according to appendix No. 1;
automatic exposure since March 1, 2024 to electronic online biddings of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose which were exposed on open electronic tender earlier and which winner is not determined.
4. Permit lessees of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose to transfer since March 1, 2024 the rights and obligations (sublease) on the leasable parcels of land to other person without change of the purpose of use of the parcel of land. At the same time:
the lessee shall use the parcel of land at least three years, and in the cases provided by the paragraph third this Item, at least five years, this term is calculated from the moment of the state registration of the right of lease;
transfer (sublease) to other person of the parcels of land provided to directly legal entities in lease according to the decision of state bodies without carrying out electronic online biddings, open electronic tender or tender is allowed after five years from the moment of the state registration of the right of lease;
the lessor shall make one-timely additional payments which are in proportion distributed according to lease term by results of open electronic tender, or payments which are provided for payment by installments by results of electronic online biddings.
5. Take into consideration the joint resolution of Kengash of Legislative house of Oliy Majlis and Kengash of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of December 13, 2023 No. 3787-IV/KK-642-IV "About studying of condition of rational and effective use of lands in the republic, and also further increase in efficiency of control local Kengashami in this direction".
District (city) Kengasham of People's Deputies to confer powers during the period till December 31, 2024 to adopt at the sessions decisions on the parcels of land of agricultural purpose having incomplete documents of title, differing from each other according to the documents and the actual area which are taken away on the right of permanent use, actually used without carrying out for the above-stated reasons of the state registration on the basis of studying of efficiency of use of these sites by them:
about the conclusion of the land lease agreement (modification and amendments in the lease agreement) between hokimy the area (city) and the land user;
about taking measures to return of the parcel of land to inventory.
To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent till December 31, 2024 to take measures for the state registration of the right of lease to the parcels of land or return of the earth to inventory for all parcels of land of agricultural purpose in the territories on which the state registration of land right, but which are used actually is not made.
6. Determine that compensation payments on compensation of losses of agricultural and forestry and landscape production for irrigated lands of agricultural purpose in all cases are collected in full from all faces, except as specified seizures of land for social needs.
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