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of January 19, 2024 No. 54

About approval of the Procedure for maintaining and promulgation of the database of excerpts from reports on energy audit, independent monitoring of excerpts from reports on energy audit, independent verification of reports on energy audit

According to the paragraph the seventh "About energy efficiency" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides parts seven of article 10 of the Law of Ukraine:

Approve the Procedure for maintaining and promulgation of the database of extraction from reports on energy audit, independent monitoring of extraction from reports on energy audit, independent verification of reports on energy audit which is applied.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 19, 2024, No. 54

Procedure for maintaining and promulgation of the database of extraction from reports on energy audit, independent monitoring of extraction from reports on energy audit, independent verification of reports on energy audit

1. This Procedure establishes the mechanism of maintaining and promulgation of the electronic database of extraction from reports on energy audit (further - the database), carrying out independent monitoring of extraction from reports on energy audit (further - monitoring of extraction), independent verification of reports on energy audit (further - verification of reports).

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About energy efficiency", "About energy efficiency of buildings", "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services", "About personal data protection", "About information security in information and communication systems".

3. The database contains excerpts from reports on energy audit (further - excerpts) and results of carrying out monitoring of excerpts and verification of reports.

The database is object of the right of state-owned property and belongs to the state on behalf of Gosenergoeffektivnosti.

4. Holder and the database manager is Gosenergoeffektivnost who performs normative and legal, organizational and methodical, information support of forming and access to the database.

5. The database is kept in state language and functions in the round-the-clock mode, except cases of carrying out the planned and unplanned scheduled and/or technical maintenance connected with elimination of technical and/or methodological mistakes or technical failure in work which duration of carrying out is determined by the database manager.

6. Users of the database:

1) energy auditors;

2) customers of energy audit and their authorized representatives;

3) qualification organizations and their authorized workers.

7. Users of the database get access to it after passing of the procedure of electronic identification and authentication through the integrated system of electronic identification.

8. Use of the database is performed through the corresponding electronic office.

Users of the database during passing of electronic identification specify the e-mail address in electronic office, validate the identification data and agree to processing of personal data. Users of electronic office are responsible for reliability of such data specified in case of electronic identification.

9. In case of address modification of e-mail the user of the database shall make to ten-day time corresponding changes in the account in electronic office. In case of untimely modification of the accounting these all negative consequences caused by such not introduction are assigned to the user of electronic office.

10. The database manager blocks access for the user of the database to electronic office in case:

1) identification of the fact of compromise of personal key of the user of the database;

2) receipt of the notification of the user of the database on need of blocking of access to the corresponding electronic office;

3) receipt of information on introduction by the user of the database of unreliable information;

4) the introduction in legal force the corresponding judgment.

11. The database manager cancels access for the user of the database to electronic office in case:

1) the receipts of the notification of the head of the qualification organization or person replacing it about need of cancellation of access for the energy auditor or authorized officer of the qualification organization to the corresponding electronic office;

2) receipts of the notification of the head of the customer of energy audit on need of cancellation of access for the authorized officer;

3) receipts of the notification of the energy auditor on need of cancellation of its access to the database in connection with the termination of accomplishment of the powers by it;

4) introductions in legal force the corresponding judgment.

12. The database manager recovers access for the user to which access to electronic office, in case is blocked:

1) receipts of the notification of the head of the qualification organization, the head of the customer of energy audit or person who replaces them, or notifications of the energy auditor on the termination of the circumstances which formed the basis for blocking of access for the corresponding user to electronic office;

2) introductions in legal force the corresponding judgment.

13. Through electronic office of the energy auditor it is performed:

1) loading and registration of excerpts from reports on energy audit;

2) receipt by the energy auditor of information and conclusion about carrying out independent monitoring of extraction, data (data) and conclusion about verification of reports;

3) loading of the corrected report on energy audit in case of receipt of the negative conclusion about verification of the report with notes by results of the carried-out verification of the report;

4) correspondence with the database manager.

14. Through electronic office of the customer of energy audit it is performed:

1) determination of the responsible official of the customer of energy audit which on behalf of the customer of energy audit is authorized to perform actions according to requirements of this Procedure;

2) loading of the report on energy audit and other information necessary for carrying out verification of the report;

3) correspondence with the database manager.

15. Through electronic office of the head of the qualification organization and its authorized worker it is performed:

1) determination of the official of the qualification organization, authorized to perform actions according to requirements of this Procedure;


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