Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of January 19, 2024 No. 55
About approval of the Procedure for exchange of information between the State Border Service, the State Tax Administration, the State Customs Service and subjects of managing having permissions to opening and operation of duty-free shops concerning details of passport documents of citizens buyers of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in duty-free shops
According to Item 3 of the Section II "Final provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "About modification of the Customs code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine concerning counteraction to illicit trafficking in tobacco products" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
2. To the ministries, other central executive bodies within two months from the date of entry into force of this resolution to bring own regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.
3. To the subjects of managing having permissions to opening and operation of duty-free shops within ten days from the date of entry into force of this resolution to take measures for completion of the internal software for the purpose of control of the sales amounts of tobacco products and/or alcoholic beverages established by the law to one person within one days.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 19, 2024, No. 55
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of exchange of information between the State frontier service, GNS, State Customs Service and subjects of managing having permissions to opening and operation of duty-free shops (further - subjects of managing), concerning details of passport documents of citizens - buyers of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in duty-free shops.
2. Terms in this Procedure are used in the following value:
one days - period lasting 24 hours from the moment of the end of border control;
details of the passport document series (in the presence), number, the country of issue of the passport document of the citizen - the buyer of goods concerning which the law sets restriction of amounts of their realization.
Other terms in this procedure are used in the value given in the Customs code of Ukraine (further - the Code), the Tax code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About border control".
3. Subjects of information relations according to this Procedure are the State frontier service, GNS, State Customs Service and subjects of managing.
4. Electronic information exchange is performed with use of information systems of subjects of the information relations means of the Single automated information system of customs authorities or the integrated interdepartmental information and communication system on control of persons, vehicles and loads crossing frontier (Lasso systems), or systems of electronic interaction of the state electronic information Trembita resources.
In case of lack of technical capability of data transmission with use of the information systems determined by paragraph one of this Item, electronic information exchange of subjects of the information relations can be performed with use of other information and communication systems using in them the corresponding complex systems of information security with the confirmed compliance by results of state examination according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
Electronic information exchange between subjects of information relations is performed with observance of requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management", "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services", "About personal data protection", "About information security in information and communication systems". Cryptographic information security is provided by enciphering with use of open key of the responsible person of the receiver, and integrity of data - by imposing of the qualified digital signature or the sender's seal.
5. The structure, format and terms of transfer of information messages, requirements to protection and amounts of information, the procedure of interaction of information systems of subjects of the information relations means of the Single automated information system of customs authorities and the integrated interdepartmental information and communication system are determined by State Customs Service and State frontier service by adoption of joint decisions which are drawn up by the separate protocols or agreements on information exchange prepared based on the order of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs on information exchange and technical specifications determined by State Customs Service by control of persons, vehicles and loads crossing frontier (Lasso systems), and changes in them.
The structure, format and terms of transfer of information messages, requirements to protection and amounts of information, the procedure of interaction of information systems of subjects of the information relations means of the Single automated information system of customs authorities and the GNS information and communication systems and changes in them are determined by State Customs Service and GNS by adoption of joint decisions which are drawn up by the separate protocols prepared based on the order of the Ministry of Finance on information exchange.
In case of implementation of electronic information exchange by means of system of electronic interaction of the state electronic information Trembita resources the amount and structure of data which subjects of electronic interaction via program interfaces of electronic information resources exchange (services) are determined in the agreements on information exchange signed according to procedure electronic (technical and information) the interaction approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 8, 2016 No. 606 "Some questions of electronic interaction of electronic information resources" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2016, No. 73, Art. 2455; 2023, No. 11, Art. 721).
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