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It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 8, 2023
No. 2139/41195
of November 20, 2023 No. 49-1
About approval of the Procedure for exchange of information between the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, the Pension fund of Ukraine, the State jobcenter and other executive bodies
According to the Law of Ukraine "About collection and accounting of single fee on obligatory national social insurance", Items 9, 10 Regulations on the Pension fund of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of July 23, 2014 280, the board of the Pension fund of Ukraine DECIDES: No.
1. Approve the Procedure for exchange of information between the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, the Pension fund of Ukraine, the State jobcenter and other executive bodies which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of Board of the Pension fund of Ukraine of September 19, 2013 No. 16-1 "About approval of the Procedure for exchange of information between the Ministry of the income and charges of Ukraine, the Pension fund of Ukraine and funds of obligatory national social insurance", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 09, 2013 at No. 1733/24265.
3. To department concerning digital development, digital transformations and digitalization (Borshovskayav.) together with legal department (Ryabtseva T.) submit this resolution on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of the board
E. Kapinus
It is approved: Minister of social policy of Ukraine |
A. Zholnovich |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine of November 20, 2023, No. 648/447-n/17498 of the Resolution of board of the Pension fund of Ukraine of November 20, 2023 No. 49-1
1. This Procedure is developed for the purpose of determination of the mechanism of exchange of information between subjects of information relations and ensuring realization of their powers.
2. Terms in this Procedure are used in the values determined by the Laws of Ukraine "About collection and accounting of single fee on obligatory national social insurance", "About obligatory national pension insurance", "About personal data protection", "About information security in information and communication systems", "About information".
3. Subjects of the information relations performed according to this Procedure are:
1) at the central level:
Pension fund of Ukraine;
State jobcenter;
2) at the territorial level:
tax authorities;
bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine;
regional jobcenters.
4. In case of exchange of information information resources of appropriate subjects of the information relations are used.
Electronic information exchange is provided by GNS, the Pension fund of Ukraine, the State jobcenter and the state company "Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine".
5. Exchange of information is performed on permanent basis and based on separate requests:
1) at the central level - according to the procedure of electronic information exchange:
between GNS and the Pension fund of Ukraine;
between GNS and the State jobcenter through information infrastructure of the Pension fund of Ukraine;
between GNS and Minsotspolitiki;
2) at the territorial level - according to the procedure of electronic information exchange or the direction of requests to owners (managers) of the specified data.
6. Subjects of information relations are responsible for timely and in full provision of reliable information.
1. Electronic information exchange according to this Procedure is performed electronically with use of information systems of subjects of the information relations means of system of electronic interaction of the state electronic information Trembita resources (further - the Trembita system) with observance of requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "About electronic confidential services", "About personal data protection", other regulatory legal acts.
The amount and structure of data which subjects of information relations via program interfaces of electronic information resources exchange (services) are determined by the agreements on information exchange signed according to the legislation.
2. In case of lack of technical capability of data transmission with use of means of the Trembita system electronic information exchange is performed with use of other information and communication systems using in them the corresponding complex systems of information security with the confirmed compliance by results of state examination according to the procedure, established by the legislation.
In this case formats, structure of the data transferred according to this Procedure, regulations of exchange of information, the requirement of information security terms of implementation of the software for electronic information exchange are determined by the relevant joint decisions of subjects of the information relations which are drawn up by separate protocols.
3. In the course of electronic information exchange subjects of information relations exercise control relatively:
correctnesses of information and its compliance to the established list of information exchange;
completeness of information on components of its provision.
By results of control of information the subject of information relations within one day provides to other party confirmation about its acceptance or unacceptance with the corresponding reasons.
The subject of information relations in case of receipt of the notification on unacceptance of information within one day considers reasons concerning its variation, eliminates defects and transfers the corrected information.
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