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of February 22, 2024 No. 207

About approval of Rules of special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category for their identification for the purpose of transportation and servicing in priority procedure

According to articles 3 and 16 of the Federal law "About Northern Delivery" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category for their identification for the purpose of transportation and servicing in priority procedure.

2. To provide to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of the Russian Federation of development of the Far East and the Arctic reduction of the acts approving forms of accompanying transport documents, and also procedure for filling of accompanying transport documents in compliance with the Rules approved by this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Northern Delivery", except for Item 6 of the Rules approved by this resolution which becomes effective from the date of commissioning of federal state information system of monitoring of northern delivery.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2024 No. 207

Rules of special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category for their identification for the purpose of transportation and servicing in priority procedure

1. These rules establish procedure for special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category for their identification for the purpose of transportation and servicing in priority procedure.

2. The concepts used in these rules are applied in the values established by the Federal Law "About Northern Delivery".

3. The purpose of special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category is their identification for ensuring transportation and servicing in priority procedure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of transport.

4. Special marking of freights of the first category and freights of the second category is performed by means of assignment of identification number to freight in accompanying transport documents and in federal state information system of monitoring of northern delivery.

5. Requirements to structure and contents of identification numbers of freights of the first category and freights of the second category are determined by the federal coordinator of northern delivery together with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

6. Data on the identification numbers of freights of the first category and freights of the second category created in federal state information system of monitoring of northern delivery are transferred to the public authorities and the organizations providing and (or) performing their transportation and servicing, within information exchange of federal state information system of monitoring of northern delivery with other information systems and information resources according to the procedure, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to part 5 of article 21 of the Federal law "About Northern Delivery".


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