Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
Registered by
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
November 30, 2023
No. 2084/41140
of November 16, 2023 No. 1041
About approval of the Procedure for maintaining and promulgation of the database of energy auditors
According to part seven of article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "About energy efficiency", Item 8 of the Regulations on the Ministry of the development of communities, the territories and infrastructure of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 30, 2015 No. 460 (in edition of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 17, 2022 to No. 1400), I ORDER:
1. Approve the Procedure for maintaining and promulgation of the enclosed database of energy auditors.
2. To provide to management of energy efficiency submission of this order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister Alexander Butenko.
The vice-Prime Minister on recovery of Ukraine is the Minister
A. Kubrakov
It is approved: Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine |
A. Kucher |
First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine |
O. Vyskub |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of development of communities, the territories of infrastructure of Ukraine of November 16, 2023 , No. 1041
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of maintaining and promulgation of the database of energy auditors (further - BDEA).
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About energy efficiency", "About information", "About electronic confidential services", "About electronic documents and electronic document management".
3. The BDEA-database containing information on energy auditors and about confirmation of qualification by them in the directions (processes, transport).
4. Maintaining and publication of BDEA performs Gosenergoeffektivnosti.
The software and BDEA are property of the state on behalf of Gosenergoeffektivnosti which is holder of BDEA.
The BDEA administrator determined by Gosenergoeffektivnosti according to requirements of the legislation of Ukraine provides program and technical support of BDEA, preserving and information security of BDEA, is responsible for its functioning, provision of access to it and data exchange with other information systems.
5. BDEA is conducted electronically, in state language.
Access to BDEA is free.
6. Users of BDEA are:
Gosenergoeffektivnosti's workers, representatives to have information access of BDEA;
the administrators of the BDEA system exercising control of accounting records of workers of Gosenergoeffektivnosti, setup of parameters of work of BDEA;
physical persons and legal entities which have open entry through the Internet to BDEA and can perform search, viewing of information on energy auditors.
1. BDEA joins information based on the application for creation of accounting record received from the qualification organization in the database of energy auditors (further - the Statement), and also information obtained from other information systems.
2. The application is submitted to Gosenergoeffektivnost by the qualification organization according to Procedure for exchange of information between the State agency on the energy efficiency and energy saving and the qualification organizations approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 25, 2022 No. 1315.
Inclusion of information on the energy auditor in BDEA is performed based on the data on confirmation of qualification received from the qualification organization by it according to requirements of the Procedure for the assignment and confirmation of professional qualifications by the qualification centers approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 15, 2021 No. 956. submission of such information is electronically performed according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management".
3. State energy efficiency considers the Application of the qualification organization regarding reliability and completeness of information provided in the Statement and, in case of lack of notes, within ten working days from the date of receipt of the Statement enters the relevant information in BDEA.
4. Entering of information on energy auditors into BDEA about confirmation of qualification of energy auditors or information on refusal in issue of the qualification certificate, its cancellation, is performed according to the form given in appendix to this Procedure.
5. In case of identification in the Statement of doubtful data and/or specifying in it not the complete information of Gosenergoeffektivnosti in five-day time notifies the qualification organization with use of means of telephone communication, e-mail and/or other methods of communication (if necessary) on need of completion of the corresponding Statement.
The qualification organization shall within five working days after receipt of the notification of Gosenergoeffektivnosti on need of completion of the Statement to eliminate the revealed defects and to submit the corrected Application to Gosenergoeffektivnosti.
In case of not elimination in five-day time by the qualification organization of the revealed Gosenergoeffektivnosti's shortcomings notifies the qualification organization on non-inclusion of the corresponding data in BDEA with reasons for the reasons. Such message is performed with use of means of telephone communication, e-mail and/or other methods of communication (if necessary).
6. Content of BDEA shall contain:
number of accounting record;
date of creation of accounting record.
Information on person who intends to perform activities for carrying out energy audit shall contain:
surname, own name, middle name (in the presence);
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