of March 24, 2023 No. PP-101
About measures for the effective organization of activities of the Agency on management of the state assets
For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 25, 2023 No. UP-14 "About First-priority Organizational Measures for Effective Establishing Activities of Republican Executive Bodies":
1. Approve:
Priority activities of the Agency on management of the state assets according to appendix No. 1;
The plan died on reorganization of the organizations of system of the Agency on management of the state assets according to appendix No. 2;
Organizational structure of the Agency on management of the state assets according to appendix No. 3;
"Road map" on deepening of reforms in the sphere of management of the state assets and transformation of activities of system according to appendix No. 4;
The list of information systems of the ministries and departments integrated into the information system "State-owned property" according to appendix No. 5.
2. Implement the following procedure for accounting of state-owned property, ensuring its completeness and reliability since May 1, 2023:
the state-owned real estate and the state blocks of shares (shares) which are republican property are transferred to Agency on management of the state assets, except for the share belonging to the Agency of strategic reforms, Fund of reconstruction and development the, and also cases provided by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
creation of public institutions and the companies with the state participation, and also state registration of the changes made to the constituent documents and connected with education and change of the size of the state share are performed in the presence of the relevant order of the Agency on management of the state assets;
data on the projects of public-private partnership realized based on objects of the state-owned real estate and the empty parcels of land, are entered by the state partner into the information system "State-owned property" in ten-day time after the conclusion of the relevant agreement;
under agreements (transactions, agreements, memorandums) of the ministries and departments, public authorities on places about implementation of investment projects based on the state-owned real estate and its alienation, and also about introduction by the third parties of investments into the companies with the state participation and in the companies of their system receipt of the conclusion of the Agency on management of the state assets without fail is required.
3. Determine that since July 1, 2023 for the purpose of implementation of modern corporate management system at the companies with the state participation, increases in efficiency of their activities and enhancement of dividend policy:
appointment (election) of the director with the state participation and its deputies is performed on competitive basis, except as specified, provided by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
in case of untimely entering into the information system "State-owned property" of data on activities of the companies with the state participation determined in acts of the legislation stimulation of heads of their executive body is not allowed;
the size of dividends on the state share is recommended by members of the supervisory board of the companies with the state participation elected on share of the state, general meeting of shareholders (participants) in coordination with Agency on management of the state assets proceeding from investment projects, indicators of the business plan and financial condition of the companies.
4. Implement since July 1, 2023 procedure for effective operation of office buildings of state bodies and organizations, companies with the state participation proceeding from the regulations established for workers.
At the same time placement on zero rate or directly the commercial organizations in office buildings of state bodies and organizations, companies with the state participation is not allowed, the empty areas of the specified buildings are exposed on electronic online biddings for transfer to lease, and lease contracts are registered in electronic system of E-ijara tax authorities.
5. Implement the following new system of informing the public on the state assets, about management of them and their privatizations:
data on objects of the state-owned real estate, the state share, the state unitary enterprises and public institutions, and also on the vehicles belonging to them are published on the official website of the Agency on management of the state assets in real time, except as specified, determined by the legislation;
the summary reports of the companies with the state participation including information on value and share in economy, financial results, accomplishment of indicators of the business plan and other important data of the companies with the state participation annually till August 1 are published on the official website of the Agency on management of the state assets;
till October 1, 2023 the portal of placement of data on tendering by objects of state-owned property" on which information on exposure to the biddings of all objects of state-owned property and on their results is placed is created ", and also this system is integrated into information system of tax authorities.
6. Determine that on the Electronic trade platform of "E-auksion":
based on requests of private owners the auction on realization of their property in the simplified procedure and terms is held.
7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 24, 2023 No. PP-101
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