of February 14, 2024 No. 174
About approval of Rules of conducting verification of data, the specified in paragraphs four of Item 3 and Item 3.4 of article 52 of the Air code of the Russian Federation
According to article 52 of the Air code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of conducting verification of data, the specified in paragraphs four of Item 3 and Item 3.4 of article 52 of the Air code of the Russian Federation.
2. This resolution becomes effective since September 1, 2024 and is effective till September 1, 2030.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2024 No. 174
1. These rules establish procedure for conducting verification by the employer of data on inclusion of persons accepted to positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel of civil aviation, the specialists of aeronautical personnel of the state aircraft and specialists of aeronautical personnel of experimental aircraft included in lists of specialists of aeronautical personnel on elements of aviation (further - specialists of aeronautical personnel), or persons replacing such positions in the list of the organizations and physical persons concerning which there are data on their participation in extremist activities or terrorism (further - the list), and also procedure for conducting verification by the employer of data on availability (absence) for the outstanding or not removed criminal record for making of intentional crime at persons replacing positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel.
2. Verification of data on inclusion of persons accepted to positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel or persons replacing such positions is carried out by the employer according to information posted on the official site of Federal Service for Financial Monitoring on the Internet according to Rules of determination of the list of the organizations and physical persons concerning which there are data on their participation in extremist activities or terrorism, and bringing this list to data of the organizations performing transactions with the money or other property, other legal entities, and also physical persons approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2015 No. 804 "About approval of Rules of determination of the list of the organizations and physical persons concerning which there are data on their participation in extremist activities or terrorism to the list and bringing this list to data of the organizations performing transactions with money or other property, other legal entities, and also physical persons".
The verification of data specified in paragraph one of this Item concerning persons accepted to positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation or persons replacing such positions in troops of national guard of the Russian Federation and also concerning persons accepted to positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel in bodies of the state protection is carried out during the actions performed according to article 24.1 of the Federal law "About Troops of National Guard of the Russian Federation" and article 18 of the Federal law "About the State Protection" respectively.
Frequency of conducting verification by the employer of data on inclusion of persons replacing positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel in the list is determined by the local regulations of the employer adopted taking into account opinion of representative body of workers (in the presence of such representative body).
3. Verification by the employer of data on availability (lack) of the outstanding or not removed criminal record for making of intentional crime at persons replacing positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel is carried out by means of verification of presence at person replacing position of the specialist of aeronautical personnel, the certificate of availability (absence) of the criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or about the termination of criminal prosecution issued not earlier than before 90 days about day of its representation according to the procedure and in form which are determined by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of internal affairs.
Frequency of conducting verification by the employer of data on availability (absence) of the outstanding or not removed criminal record for making of intentional crime at persons replacing positions of specialists of aeronautical personnel is determined by the local regulations of the employer adopted taking into account opinion of representative body of workers (in the presence of such representative body).
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