of February 14, 2024 No. 156
About approval of criteria of creation of the special economic zone, Rules of creation of the special economic zone and change of the area of the special economic zone and requirements to the investment projects realized by residents of special economic zones
According to articles 6 and 12 of the Federal law "About Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
criteria of creation of the special economic zone;
Rules of creation of the special economic zone and change of the area of the special economic zone;
requirements to the investment projects realized by residents of special economic zones.
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2012 No. 398 "About approval of criteria of creation of the special economic zone" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 19, the Art. 2423);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2013 No. 272 "About modification of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2012 No. 398" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 13, the Art. 1573);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 10, 2017 No. 552 "About modification of criteria of creation of the special economic zone" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 21, the Art. 3005);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2021 No. 1211 "About modification of criteria of creation of the special economic zone" (The Russian Federation Code, 2021, No. 30, the Art. 5788).
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2024 No. 156
1. Availability of natural economical and geographical competitive advantages for implementation of the investment projects corresponding to specialization of the special economic zone assumed to creation.
2. The compact and systematized creation of investment platforms by the cluster principle according to which each new investment platform of the special economic zone shall provide implementation of investment projects in one or several adjacent fields of activity, and (or) in the presence of production (technology) cooperation, and (or) in case of joint use by residents of the special economic zone of single infrastructure of the special economic zone, and (or) the investment projects corresponding to the priority directions of projects of technology sovereignty and projects of structural adaptation of economy of the Russian Federation.
The investment platform is understood as set of the parcels of land of the special economic zone intended for implementation of the investment projects adjacent and (or) remote from each other on distance no more than 1 kilometer.
During creation of industrial and production, technology development and port special economic zones simultaneous creation of several investment platforms removed from each other on distance more than 1 kilometer is not allowed. Creation of such additional investment platforms as a part of the special economic zone is allowed further within increase in the area of the special economic zone according to the Rules of creation of the special economic zone and change of the area of the special economic zone approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2024 No. 156 "About approval of criteria of creation of the special economic zone, Rules of creation of the special economic zone and change of the area of the special economic zone and requirements to the investment projects realized by residents of special economic zones" taking into account ensuring effective use of potential of the territories in which borders the special economic zone is initially created.
3. Compliance is more whole than creation of the special economic zone to the following documents of strategic planning according to the Federal Law "About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation":
strategy of homeland security of the Russian Federation;
industry documents of strategic planning of the Russian Federation;
strategy of scientific technology development of the Russian Federation;
strategy of space development of the Russian Federation;
strategy of social and economic development of macroregions;
state programs of the Russian Federation;
strategy of social and economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation;
state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation;
scheme of territorial planning of the subject of the Russian Federation.
4. Forecast positive dynamics (including reasons) growth of amounts of the additional incomes arriving in the federal budget, the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which creation of the special economic zone, and also in the local budget in connection with creation and functioning of the special economic zone is supposed.
5. Availability of the investment project or investment projects (including their financial and economic indicators confirmed with financial models) and the potential investor or potential investors who confirmed in writing (with application of documents, own means, and (or) means of founders (participants), and (or) means of co-investors confirming availability for implementation of the investment project or investment projects and (or) documentary confirmation from credit institution of readiness to provide financing for implementation of the investment project or investment projects) readiness to implement the project (projects) in the territory of the special economic zone assumed to creation, with amount of the planned investments by cumulative result for 3 years from the date of creation of the special economic zone is at least planned amount of means of the federal budget, necessary for creation of its infrastructure, budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, local budget.
If the amount of the planned investments (excluding tax on value added) cumulative result for the end of the 10th year makes from 8 to 20 billion rubles, availability at least 5 such investment projects is necessary. If the amount of the planned investments by cumulative result for the end of the 10th year makes over 20 billion rubles, availability at least one investment the project is necessary.
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