Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 1, 2024 No. ZRU-901

About the status of the teacher

Accepted by Legislative house on August 1, 2023

Approved by the Senate on September 29, 2023

Article 1. Legislation on the status of the teacher

The legislation on the status of the teacher consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the status of the teacher then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 2. Scope of this Law

This Law establishes the rights, obligations and basic guarantees of activities of teachers.

Operation of this Law extends to teachers of the state and non-state educational organizations (further - the educational organizations) performing the activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Action of parts three and the fourth Article 5, of Article part one 13, of parts three and the eleventh article 14 of this Law does not extend to persons who are engaged in pedagogical activities out of the main working activities and to the military personnel who is engaged in pedagogical activities in military educational institutions.

Article 3. Status of the teacher

Teacher is the physical person performing in the educational organization professional activity in the field of education and education based on the employment contract signed according to acts of the legislation and the having corresponding education, professional training and spiritual and moral qualities.

The status of the teacher is recognized the Republic of Uzbekistan. For conducting the professional activity by teachers organization-legal conditions are created, their social protection is provided and sales warranties of their rights are provided.

The rights, honor, advantage and goodwill of the teacher are under protection of the state.

The list of the positions connected with pedagogical activities is determined respectively by the Ministry of preschool and school education and the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Requirements to the professional level of the teacher working in education system are determined by the Qualifier of the main positions of employees and professions of workers and professional standards of the teacher.

If other is not stipulated by the legislation, the right to be engaged in pedagogical activities in the educational organizations after passing of rates of retraining can be granted to persons without the higher pedagogical education.

If necessary the professional educational organizations can attract to holding practical and additional classes of training officers the, and also other specialists without the higher education having the corresponding knowledge and practical skills.

Training officers have the right to be engaged in pedagogical activities in the professional educational organizations without passing of rates of retraining.

Article 4. Mentorship

The experienced teacher for implementation of mentorship is assigned to person which for the first time started professional activity in the general average educational organization for one academic year.

For implementation of mentorship to basic official pay rate of the teacher surcharge can be performed.

Requirements imposed to the teacher performing mentorship and procedure for the organization of its activities are determined by acts of the legislation.

Article 5. Ensuring implementation of professional activity of the teacher

Based on the labor law of the Republic of Uzbekistan the employer creates necessary conditions for implementation by the teacher of the professional activity.

It is forbidden:

intervention in professional activity of the teacher, unreasonable check of its activities, influence on the correct and objective assessment by the teacher of knowledge of students, and also hindrance to accomplishment of the service duties by it;

involvement of the teacher to the works which are not connected with its professional activity including to improvement of the territories and agricultural works;

the requirement from the teacher of forming and provision of the reports and other data which are not relating to its professional obligations including data on taxes, utility payments, the credits and other debts of the population, reports on employment of graduates;

involvement of the teacher to works on accounting not employed, not covered by education and staying on the preventive registry of minors, and to rendering assistance in their social adaptation;

compulsion of the teacher to purchase of goods and services, including deduction of means for goods and services from the salary of the teacher without its written consent.

The teachers performing activities in the state general averages, the average special and professional educational organizations are free of charge provided at the expense of the state with education guidances.

The teachers performing activities in the state educational organizations are free of charge provided at the expense of the state with primary educational and methodical materials and student's accessories used in educational process.

Involvement of the teacher to the actions which are not connected with its professional activity, but having the political and social importance (participation in processes of the organization and elections, accomplishment of functions of the observer behind audience on tests, assistance in carrying out population census, participation as the expert in verification processes and certification of the organizations of education and others), is performed from its consent, based on the agreement signed with it, for additional fare, in off-duty time or with preserving the average salary on place of employment.

Administrative coercion to work of the teacher in any form, and also illegal intervention in professional activity of the teacher or hindrance to accomplishment of the service duties by it attract responsibility according to the procedure, established by the law.

Article 6. Teacher's rights

The teacher when implementing the professional activity has the right on:

liberty of choice and uses of modern pedagogical technologies, means and training methods and education;

development and deployment in accordance with the established procedure author's programs and technique of training, manifestation of creative activity, and also on use of the corresponding subject matters, rates and modules;

requirement of creation of necessary conditions for implementation of professional activity;

free use of services of the state information and resource and information and library centers of the educational, scientific and methodical directions;


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