Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

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of December 27, 2023 No. 1395

About implementation of the pilot project on enhancement of procedure for capture on accounting of veterans of war and provision of privileges for payment of housing and communal services, acquisition of solid fuel and the liquefied gas by it

(as amended on 18-07-2024)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of social policy concerning implementation of the pilot project on enhancement of procedure for capture on accounting of veterans of war and provision of privileges for payment of housing and communal services, acquisition of solid fuel and the liquefied gas by it (further - the pilot project) in the period of warlike situation and within three months after its termination or cancellation, but no more than two years from the date of entry into force of this resolution.

2. Approve the Procedure for implementation of the pilot project on enhancement of procedure for capture on accounting of veterans of war and provision of privileges for payment of housing and communal services, acquisition of solid fuel and the liquefied gas which is added by it.

3. Determine that:

1) coordinator of the pilot project is the Ministry of social policy;

2) participants of the pilot project are:

as subjects of the request for administrative service veterans of war (person with disability owing to war, combatants, participants of war) or one of members of their families (the husband, the wife, disabled parents, unmarried full age children recognized as persons with disability since the childhood of the II group, the person who is living together with person with disability owing to war of the I group and looking after him provided that person owing to war is not married to disability);

as responsible for the organization and ensuring implementation of the pilot project - the Pension fund of Ukraine, the Ministry of digital transformation, the Ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure, the Department of Energy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of cases of veterans, the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities, regional and Kiev city public administrations (military authorities) and also from consent local government bodies, managers of apartment houses, building (residential) cooperatives, contractors of utilities, other companies, organizations, the organizations performing charge of payment for housing and communal services, fees/payments on payment of expenses on management of the apartment house and utilities, other payments determined by the Law of Ukraine "About housing and communal services" and the agreement on provision of utilities (data processing centers, settlement centers, the centers of charge of payment for housing and communal services, the centers of municipal management systems);

3) sources of financing of the pilot project are means of the government budget, the charitable help and other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation.

4. Bring the enclosed changes in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. To the ministry of social policy:

To provide 1) within four months from the date of entry into force of this resolution:

technical completion of the Unified information system of the social sphere (further - the Single system) for ensuring technical capability of collection, processing, transfer, storage of information on veterans of war and members of their families having the right to privileges (the wife (husband), their minor children (up to 18 years); the unmarried full age children recognized as persons with disability since the childhood of I and II groups or persons with disability of the I group; the person who is living together with person with disability owing to war of the I group and looking after her provided that person owing to war is not married to disability; disabled parents; the person which is under guardianship or custody of the citizen having the right to privileges, and living together with it) which will be registered and to which privileges for payment of housing and communal services, acquisition of solid fuel and the liquefied gas will be provided;

connection to the Single system of officials of the Ministry of social policy, the Ministry of cases of veterans, the Ministries of digital transformation, the Pension fund of Ukraine, local government bodies, the centers of provision of administrative services and receipt by such officials of access to the Single system through the protected electronic communication network and/or information systems of the Ministry of social policy, the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of cases of veterans integrated with the Single system, the Ministries of digital transformation, the Pension fund of Ukraine, local government bodies, the centers of provision of administrative services;

2) during effective period of the pilot project to inform once a year till June 1 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on its realization;

3) within two months after completion of implementation of the pilot project to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the report on results of its realization, and also the offer on modification of legal acts.

6. To provide to the pension fund of Ukraine within four months from the date of entry into force of this resolution:

1) technical capability of forming of the statement for registration of the veteran of war and provision of privileges according to the Procedure approved by this resolution by the web portal of electronic services of the Pension fund of Ukraine, mobile application of the Pension fund of Ukraine, collection, processing and use of information according to the specified procedure;

2) integration of information systems of the Pension fund of Ukraine with the Single system;


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