of January 10, 2024 No. PP-15
About additional measures for further increase in the productive and export potential of the electrotechnical industry
For the purpose of mobilization of new reserves and opportunities in the electrotechnical industry, expansions of production of electrotechnical products, household and other appliances with high value added, further increase in competitiveness of domestic production, and also consecutive continuation of implementation of modern technologies to the sphere:
1. Establish the following main target indicators on development of electrotechnical industry for 2024-2025:
finishing capacity of conversion of copper raw materials in 2024 to 140 thousand tons and in 2025 - to 160 thousand tons;
increase in volume of production in 2024 to 30,8 of one trillion sum and in 2025 - to 38 trillion sum;
providing export volume of products in 2024 in the amount of 1, 5 billion US dollars and in 2025 - 2 billion US dollars.
To the working group on assistance to development of the electrotechnical industry (A. Ya. Haydarov) and Uzeltekhsanoat Associations (M. M. Yunusov) to realize address measures for ensuring accomplishment of the main target indicators.
2. Approve Summary parameters of start of the investment projects realized within the Program of creation of new production capacities and diversification of production in the electrotechnical industry according to appendix No. 1.
Assign to the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent, and also Uzeltekhsanoat Association (M. M. Yunusov) the personal responsibility for timely accomplishment of the tasks determined in the above-stated program.
3. In a month under the leadership of the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent to create the Regional working groups on assistance to development of the electrotechnical industry from among representatives of regional divisions of Uzeltekhsanoat Association, Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministries of investments, the industry and trade, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, JSB Uzpromstroybank and JSB Bank razvitiya businessa.
Determine the following tasks of Regional working groups:
rendering assistance to expansion of production in the electrotechnical industry in regions;
rendering assistance to subjects of entrepreneurship in forming of new investment projects, creation of new productions in regions by involvement of foreign investors;
rendering assistance to exit of the subjects of entrepreneurship performing activities in the field of electrical equipment on the export markets.
To the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent at least once a quarter to consider reports of working groups, and also to quarterly introduce reports on the done work in the Cabinet of Ministers.
4. To fund of reconstruction and development for the purpose of financing of the investment projects realized in the electrotechnical industry to open to commercial banks in 2024 - 2026, based on their requests, credit line in the amount of 100 million US dollars, for a period of 10 years, with three-year grace period, at the rate of 5 annual interest rates.
At the same time commercial banks at the expense of credit line to subjects of entrepreneurship allocate the credits for term of 10 years, with grace period 3 years, at the rate of 7 annual interest rates (including margin of bank - 2 percent).
5. (Zh. A. Hodzhayev) in 2024 - 2026 for the purpose of financing of the projects directed to production of electrotechnical products and the household equipment to provide to the deputy prime minister attraction in commercial banks of credit lines of the international financial institutions and foreign banks in the amount of 400 million US dollars.
6. Provide for the period from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2027 tax benefits in the form of decrease in rates on the income tax and the property tax for 50 percent to the companies of electrotechnical industry which amount of receipts from realization of electrotechnical products following the results of the accounting period constitutes at least 80 percent from general receipts.
Determine that the means released in connection with provision of the tax benefits provided by this Item:
are not distributed by the companies in the form of dividends;
go for creation of new production capacities and upgrade of the available capacities.
7. Provide since April 1, 2024 to domestic manufacturers with their participation along with foreign suppliers within public procurements price preferences from the price of DDP (Uzbekistan) of import goods in the following sizes:
fifteen percent - with the assistance of three and more domestic manufacturers;
twelve percent - with the assistance of two domestic manufacturers;
eight percent - with the assistance of one domestic manufacturer.
8. Establish procedure according to which:
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