of January 15, 2024 No. PP-22
About measures for the organization scientific and practical research work in the field of criminology
For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 15, 2024 No. UP-10 "About Measures for Raising on Qualitatively New Level of Research Activities in the field of Ensuring Public Safety and Fight Against Crime":
1. Determine the priority directions of the organization in the republic of scientific and practical research work in the field of criminology based on requirements of time:
creation of system of use of cross-disciplinary knowledge by projects implementation of scientific and practical researches for the purpose of ensuring public safety and fight against crime on the basis of the new principle "from the idea to practice";
implementation of the systematic analysis and forecasting of tendencies of crime, including latent, development of target measures for identification and elimination of its negative tendencies;
determination of system of measures of identification and elimination of true factors of crime on the basis of the complex scientific diagnosis, implementation in criminological activities of artificial intelligence and modern digital technologies;
development of such modern industries of criminology, as legal, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, medical, ecological, digital, forming at youth of the irreconcilable relation to crimes by system teaching discipline "criminology" in educational institutions;
implementation of practice of scientific assessment of elimination of factors of crime and its negative tendencies taking into account forming of necessary organization-legal and structural bases;
activation of address cooperation with the leading research establishments of the developed foreign states, establishing implementation of joint criminological surveys, and also providing occupation of criminology of Uzbekistan the worthy place in the world rankings.
2. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. Bobozhonov) together with the interested ministries and departments in two-month time to develop and submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of technique of carrying out scientific and practical researches in the field of criminology, scientific diagnostics of factors of crime, providing:
mechanisms of determination of factors of crimes on which the court pronounces sentence (determination) (the decree on the termination of criminal case is issued), based on the complex scientific diagnosis;
procedure for scientific efficiency evaluation of measures for stabilization of criminogenic situation by regions, and also determinations of measures for elimination of factors of crime on the basis of conclusions of the scientific analysis, forecast and diagnosis;
procedure for projects implementation of scientific and practical researches, system of implementation of scientific developments in practice of criminological activities, mechanisms of preparation of offers and recommendations about enhancement of legislative and law-enforcement practice on the basis of conclusions of the scientific analysis, forecast and diagnosis.
3. Approve:
"Road map" on the effective organization of activities of the Research institute of criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Institute) according to appendix No. 1;
Target indicators of development of the Research institute of criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024 - 2030 (further - Target indicators) according to appendix No. 2.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. Bobozhonov) to take measures for annual approval and ensuring realization within year of the Action program of Institute directed to achievement of Target indicators and also assessment of activities of Institute by its results.
4. Establish procedure according to which:
projects of scientific and practical researches in the field of criminology are implemented by Institute based on orders according to appendix No. 3, initiative projects of scientific and practical researches - according to appendix No. 4;
The institute periodically publishes scientific publications by results of criminological researches according to appendix No. 5;
The institute is the basic scientific organization in the field of criminology and within powers coordinates work on expert and scientific ensuring criminological activities;
copies of scientific, methodical and educational literature on the criminology and criminological activities prepared by state bodies and organizations, the public scientific and highest educational institutions are provided to Institute for use by preparation of the State report of criminological researches.
5. Determine that:
positions of scientific structure of Institute are completed with the personnel having scientific degree in the field of the right, psychology, sociology, pedagogics, the equipment, economy, medicine and geography;
the candidates who do not have scientific degree can be accepted to position of the scientific employee-researcher at the expense of vacant position of the employee of scientific structure of Institute;
the sizes of the corresponding basic official pay rates determined by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 18, 2009 No. 233 "About measures for further work incentives of scientists" are applied to the employees holding positions of scientific structure of Institute in case of compensation and also behind them the allowances established for the class ranks appropriated to them on prior workplace (remain in case of their availability).
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