of January 15, 2024 No. UP-10
About measures for raising on qualitatively new level of research activities in the field of ensuring public safety and fight against crime
In our country large-scale work on scientific providing the sphere of public safety and fight against crime, implementation in this field of achievements of science is carried out.
Today relevance is found by the priority purpose of early crime prevention by means of identification and timely elimination of its true factors, but not through fight against crime effects.
At the same time there is need for radical reforming of mechanisms of the analysis and forecasting of the tendencies of crime, scientific diagnostics of factors of crime and their elimination observed in the republic by enhancement of the legislation and law-enforcement practice, and also the direction of scientific research on the address problem resolution in practice of law and order.
For the purpose of the organization of execution of the tasks determined in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About science and scientific activities", "About prevention of offenses" and Concepts of public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also increase in effectiveness of early warning system of crimes by raising on qualitatively new level research activities in the field of ensuring public safety and fight against crime, timely elimination of factors of crimes:
1. Approve the offer of the Cabinet of Ministers on creation of the Research institute of criminology of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Institute).
2. Determine the main activities of Institute:
carrying out in-depth studies of criminogenic situation in the republic, systems analysis and forecasting of tendencies of crime, determination of its social, economic, psychological, spiritual and educational, legal, medical and organizational factors on the basis of the complex scientific diagnosis;
scientific efficiency evaluation of measures for stabilization of criminogenic situation by regions, and also development of measures for elimination of factors of crime by enhancement of the legislation and law-enforcement practice on the basis of conclusions of the scientific analysis, forecasts and the diagnosis;
development of the evidence-based complex problem resolutions existing in practice of criminological activities by projects implementation of scientific and practical researches, the organization of necessary actions for practical implementation of scientific developments;
rendering in accordance with the established procedure as the specialist of the methodical help to bodies of inquiry and pretrial investigation in identification of factors of the crimes which caused public response and development of measures for their elimination;
permanent studying of the best practices of world criminology and the legislation of the foreign states in the field of criminological activities, development of offers and recommendations about implementation of its results in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
preparation of scientific personnel of the top skills in the form of independent competition in the field of criminology, representation of job seekers to academic degrees and academic statuses in accordance with the established procedure.
3. Determine that:
The institute is the republican research establishment specializing in scientific and expert ensuring criminological activities, entering organizational structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and having the status of the legal entity;
the organizational and regular structure of Institute is created due to the termination of activities of the Center of scientific applied researches of questions of public safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and step-by-step optimization of established posts of the scientific organizations in system of the ministries and departments;
The institute is legal successor by the rights and obligations of the Center of scientific applied researches of questions of public safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
The institute carries out the tasks irrespective of any state bodies, public associations and officials, it is forbidden to interfere with its activities, to influence it for the purpose of change of data in the report of researches;
The institute is headed by the head appointed to position and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers;
expenses on the current organizational and initiative studies of Institute are financed by budgetary funds of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, expenses on researches based on the order - by extrabudgetary funds of state bodies (customers), rendering paid services, national and international grants, and also other sources which are not prohibited by acts of the legislation.
4. Establish procedure according to which:
The institute on the basis of results of research projects and theses in the field of criminology, the scientific diagnosis of factors of crimes, the analysis and forecasting of tendencies of crime at the end of every quarter prepares "The state report on crime factors" and "The state trend report of crime", at the end of every year - "The state report of criminological researches" and analytical information on criminogenic situation, bringing them in the Cabinet of Ministers and bodies which are directly performing prevention of offenses;
The Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the bodies which are directly performing prevention of offenses proceeding from "The state report of criminological researches" at the end of every year develops and introduces in the Cabinet of Ministers "road map" of complex measures for elimination of factors of crime and their negative tendencies in the republic the forthcoming year;
The Cabinet of Ministers at the beginning of every year approves "road map" of complex measures for elimination of factors of crime and their negative tendencies in the republic and provides its timely realization by the bodies which are directly performing prevention of offenses;
under Institute Criminological council of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the purpose of the effective organization of interaction of scientific and highest educational institutions in the field of criminological researches and teaching the subject "Criminology" is created.
5. To the Cabinet of Ministers (A. Aripov) in two-month time, proceeding from this Decree to approve Regulations on Institute, operating procedure in case of it Criminological council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, procedure by the bodies which are directly performing prevention of offenses, necessary actions for scientific offers of Institute.
6. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. Bobozhonov) to take necessary organizational measures for placement of Institute for the address: city of Tashkent, Mirzo-Ulugbeksky district, Ulitsa Buyuk ипак yul, house No. 243.
7. Make changes and additions to some presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix.
8. To impose control of execution of this Decree on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoev
to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 15, 2024 No. UP-10
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